“Supersalud does not have a file that supports the decision to intervene EPS”: Attorney’s Office – 2024-04-07 23:38:34

by times news cr

2024-04-07 23:38:34

The Attorney General, Luis Ramiro Escandon, has expressed his concern about the lack of a file that supports the decision to intervene in the EPS Sanitas and Nueva EPS by the Superintendency of Health (Supersalud).

Escandon rejected the statements of the Superintendent of Health, Luis Carlos Leal, who claimed not to have been notified of the action of the control entity during the visit of a team from the Public Ministry. According to Escandón, he was given a copy of the administrative act with the signature of the four delegates.

The Attorney General’s Office has verified that there is no administrative file that contains all the information that supports the resolutions for the intervention of the EPS Sanitas and Nueva EPS. This situation raises possible violations of the principles of transparency, publicity and due process.

The Attorney General pointed out that so far it has not been possible to verify the existence of the information that supported the decision to intervene.. It is surprising to Escandón that the file has not been found, especially considering that decisions were made based on said file just two days ago in committee.

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Escandón stressed that “so far it has not been possible to verify that the information that was available to make the decision actually exists.”

The Attorney General’s Office indicated that it will continue to investigate this situation to guarantee respect for administrative procedures and due process in these cases.

For its part, Supersalud noted that: “it did deliver the documents to the Attorney General’s Office that justify the interventions of Sanitas and Nueva EPS.”

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