Support for the Palestinians: in Marseille, thousands of demonstrators gathered for a ceasefire in Gaza

by time news

2023-11-05 19:25:45

“Liberate Gaza, liberate Palestine,” the demonstrators chanted. Several thousand people marched in Marseille on Sunday in support of the Palestinians, calling for a ceasefire in the enclave, relentlessly shelled by Israel since the bloody Hamas attack a month ago. The demonstration, called by a group of associations, parties or unions, brought together 2,700 people in the afternoon, according to the police headquarters.

“There are thousands of us!” », For his part, one of the organizers told the crowd, above which numerous Palestinian flags were flying, when they were not draping the shoulders of the demonstrators. “Children of Gaza, children of Palestine, it is humanity that is being murdered”, “Liberate Gaza, free Palestine”, chanted the participants, who denounced “a genocide”. Slogans echoed by the crowd also proclaimed “Zionists, fascists, you are the terrorists”, “Israel assassin, Macron complicit” or “Palestine will win”.

“We seek peace”

“Palestine will win, it’s calling for there to be a winner. But we are looking for peace and a ceasefire,” noted Kaci Djebar, president of a cultural and sports association of Algerians in Marseille, who would have preferred “a silent demonstration” to convey the seriousness of the moment.

Demonstrations in support of the Palestinian people at the call of several organizations, associations, unions and political parties are taking place across France this weekend. In Paris, 19,000 people demonstrated on Saturday, according to the prefecture, and 60,000 according to the CGT.

Since the Hamas attack on October 7 which left 1,400 dead in Israel, mainly civilians according to the Israeli authorities, the government of Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to wipe out this Palestinian movement. Israeli operations left 9,488 dead, mainly civilians including 3,900 children, according to Hamas.

#Support #Palestinians #Marseille #thousands #demonstrators #gathered #ceasefire #Gaza

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