Supporting Pet Health and Environmental Sustainability: Brand Aims to Raise $300,000 for Soil Growth Grants

by time news

Actor Ian Somerhalder and wife Nikki Reed are not only making positive changes in their own lives, but they’re also using their platform to encourage others to do the same. The couple, who are passionate about the environment and sustainable living, have teamed up with pet food brand, “Blue Buffalo,” to raise funds for their Greater Ground soil growth grants.

The brand is not only committed to providing the best and healthiest eats for pets, but they also aim to raise up to $300,000 for their soil growth grants. For every video view, Blue Buffalo will donate $1 towards the initiative. According to Somerhalder, this is their way of getting “hands dirty” to help farmers transition into more sustainable practices.

Somerhalder mentioned that becoming a parent has reinforced their desire to create positive change. He stated, “Once you become a parent, you realize everything you do throughout your day, you have the ability to make these little tiny incremental changes, whether it’s who you buy your cat and dog food from, what restaurants you eat in, how you dispose of your own waste.”

The couple is committed to making a difference and inspiring others to do the same. Their efforts with Blue Buffalo are just one example of how they are dedicated to creating a better world for their children and future generations. It’s certainly commendable to see celebrities using their influence for such meaningful causes.

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1 comment

Anon November 10, 2023 - 3:54 pm

NUTRO Pet Food, not Blue Buffalo…


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