Suspicion of an anti-Semitic incident: an ultra-Orthodox was run over in New York and seriously injured

by time news

The scene of the event in New York (documentation from a security camera)

A serious hit-and-run incident took place in the Crown Heights neighborhood of New York last Friday, when a car driver hit an ultra-orthodox resident while crossing the road – and then fled the scene. Documentation from the incident published today (Monday) raised suspicions that it was a deliberate stampede, and the police began to investigate the incident as an attack with an anti-Semitic background.

Hard documentation: watch the moments of the stampede in New York

According to reports in the local media, the incident took place around 18:00 (according to local time), shortly after the Sabbath in New York. In the documentation, the driver of the car is seen stopping at a red light, while the ultra-Orthodox began to cross the road at the intersection. At this point the driver accelerated his car, turned towards the ultra-Orthodox and hit him with the car. Immediately after that, he sped off and fled the area.

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The ultra-Orthodox, who was described as a 50-year-old Chabad follower, was seriously injured in the incident. Rescuers were called to the scene and provided him with initial medical treatment, after which he was taken to the local hospital.

As mentioned, the local police have opened an investigation into the incident, which is suspected to be an anti-Semitic attack. The Attorney General of the State of New York, Letitia James, called on the public to help the police in the search for the predatory driver, as she said, “This is a shocking incident. I pray for the speedy recovery of the injured, and call on anyone who knows details about the identity of the person who carried out this heinous attack – to contact to the police immediately.”

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