Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s Updated Grassland Maps Aid Farmers in Emergency Situations

by time news

Swedish Farmers and County Administrations to Benefit from Updated Grassland Maps

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has recently announced the update of its maps of grasslands and meadows using data from last year. The purpose of this update is to aid farmers and county administrations in locating suitable pastures in emergency situations, according to a press release issued by the agency.

While not all objects in the map layer may be completely up-to-date, the authority believes that the maps can still provide a starting point for finding suitable land when the need arises. By combining information from historical maps, local knowledge, and the updated maps, farmers and county administrations can make more informed decisions.

The agency highlights the importance of these maps in light of past experiences. If the upcoming summer is as dry as it was five years ago in 2018, it could spell trouble for large parts of Sweden’s agriculture. By having access to updated grassland maps, farmers can proactively plan their grazing areas and mitigate potential challenges.

Since 2020, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has been offering map bases, known as Geographic Information System (GIS) layers, to identify both existing and potential grasslands and meadows. Apart from serving as a valuable resource in times of emergencies, the agency aims to use this information to promote biological diversity and green infrastructure.

Göran Blom, manager at the landscape unit of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, emphasized the multiple benefits of the updated maps. He stated, “Not only can these maps guide farmers and county administrations during emergencies, but they also contribute to preserving our natural ecosystems and promoting biodiversity.”

The agency’s initiative is part of a broader effort to address the challenges posed by climate change and ensure the sustainable development of Sweden’s agricultural sector. By equipping stakeholders with the necessary tools and information, such as updated grassland maps, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency aims to support and empower farmers and county administrations in their decision-making processes.

As the threat of climate change continues to rise, initiatives such as these are crucial for the resilience and adaptability of agricultural systems worldwide. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s commitment to providing up-to-date maps will play a significant role in helping farmers navigate potential emergencies and contribute to the preservation of Sweden’s natural landscapes.

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