Symbolically, the oppositions reject the draft Social Security budget for 2024

by time news

2023-10-20 18:30:00

It’s completely symbolic, but this Friday, October 20, the oppositions sent the draft Social Security budget for 2024 back into trouble. The government is making no secret of its plan: to use 49.3 next week.

On the one hand, the Social Security accounts are cruelly in deficit (8.8 billion euros in 2023), but on the other, increasing needs and inflation would like spending to increase.

The left has made itself heard so that spending follows needs: “Your budget is not sincere,” launched the environmentalist deputy Sébastien Peytavie, targeting in particular an objective of changing health insurance spending (+ 3.2%) considered insufficient and forecasts considered unrealistic. In unison, left-wing groups also deplored insufficient measures for the care of dependent people.

While complementary health insurance companies have warned that they will have to increase their prices in 2024it is almost certain that the average French person will have to pay to be in good health.

On the Republican side, we are focusing on the care provided to the hospital sector: “The account is not there”, insisted the LR deputy Yannick Neuder, emphasizing that “all the actors, public and private, are doing the same observation”.

Opposite, Renaissance plays the card of astonishment. While the rapporteur of the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) highlighted the adoption of minor amendments, Marc Ferracci railed against the opposition. He criticized them in particular for “deploring on the one hand that there are not enough debates and on the other hand sending all the necessary signals so that 49.3 arrives very quickly”. Is this what debate is?

Precisely, the RN deputy Laure Lavalette wanted “the government to let us debate”.

But the government does not hide its laziness, nor its attachment to 49.3. After its use, he will then have the choice of the amendments which he will retain or not in the text.

As reported by AFP, the government is aiming for savings of 3.5 billion euros in health sector spending, in particular thanks to reductions in spending on medicines, analysis labs and even sick leave. and the fight against fraud.

#Symbolically #oppositions #reject #draft #Social #Security #budget

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