symptoms and why it is a problem when sleeping

by time news

With summer over, it is easier for Spaniards to fall asleep. Because the high temperatures that have been recorded during these holidays made it very complicated, if not impossible. Now, with the clear general decrease (and it is hoped that it will be definitive) in thermometers in Spain, sleeping will become much easier.

However, there are people who, no matter how much the mercury drops, this act is still an odyssey. Especially for those who suffer from nocturnal hyperhidrosis. It is a disease in which the affected person sweats excessively at night, even when it is not hot.

It should be noted that it is a disorder that does not involve any health risk in itself. In fact, this can happen very occasionally. But there are also those who suffer from it continuously. It is in these situations when hyperhidrosis itself can lead to major difficulties for the organism. Mainly because it prevents the person from resting properly, which implies lack of sleep and lack of energy to face day to day. In the most serious cases, suffering from a very prolonged nocturnal hyperhidrosis can cause metabolic alterations or stress.

This exaggerated sweating usually manifests itself in the feet, armpits and, fundamentally, in the hands, although it can spread to other parts of the body. Although it is not considered a serious disease, there are treatments to combat hyperhidrosis. One of them, and the most effective, is the surgery, but it is only used in the most persistent cases. Here are some tips to avoid nocturnal hyperhidrosis.

  • Do not consume stimulating drinks before bed, such as coffee or alcohol

  • Go to bed in breathable, cool and comfortable clothing

  • Follow a balanced diet and without abusing copious lunches or dinners

  • Play sports regularly

  • Have a suitable temperature in the room, without sudden changes with respect to the outside

These are some of the most common tips against nocturnal hyperhidrosis, but the most important and recommended by experts is control of body weight. Numerous studies have shown that being overweight or obese is behind a large number of cases of hyperhidrosis, in addition to many other sleep-related disorders.

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