Synodality: some fear it, but it must be recovered, says nuncio in Spain

by time news

2023-11-17 02:00:00

By Nicolás de Cárdenas

The Apostolic Nuncio in Spain, Mons. Bernardito Aúza, considers that synodality is a reality as old as the Church that implies a new role for all the baptized and that must be recovered, although some are suspicious.

During the opening ceremony of the XXV Congress of Catholics and Public Life, an initiative of the Catholic Association of Propagandists and the San Pablo CEU University Foundation, Bishop Aúza pointed out that synodality “is a reality as old as the Church that we have to rediscover”.

Although, he stressed, there are people “who are afraid of this reality,” Catholics are called to “rediscover the life of the Church as a journey together.” Because, yes, the word synodality is nothing more than the co-responsibility of all members of the Church to be and walk together.”

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