Take into account cultural differences in the hospital

by time news

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Like society, the hospital is a meeting place for patients with multiple identities and languages, each with a unique relationship to illness and death.

What to do when the healthcare team can neither understand nor relieve patients from other cultures? How to overcome misunderstandings, misunderstandings that may arise between caregivers and patients?

  • Dr Serge Bouznah, public health physician, specialist in cross-cultural clinics. Director of Center Babel, European Resource Center in Transcultural Clinic at Cochin Hospital. Co-author of the book When spirits come to doctors : 7 stories for healingpublished by In Press
  • Dr. Catherine Lewertowski, doctor, specialist in transcultural clinic. Constituency manager in the service of Maternal and Child Protection of the Departmental Council of Seine-Saint-Denis. Co-author of the book When spirits come to doctors: 7 stories for healing, published by In Press. Author of numerous books including The children of Moissac, 1939-1945history fields collection, Flammarion.

At the end of the program, we find the sports Time.news of the Dr Jean Marc Senesports physician.

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