Take the children to a virtual experience like you’ve never known before – and at a discount

by time news

In the era of Metaverse and Oculus, virtual reality has already become normal reality. Yes, well, we’ve all already tried and it really seems like the cliff we’re standing on is very high, but we have to admit that the virtual experience has not yet reached its potential. But now there is a place, right in the Expo complex here in Tel Aviv, that tries to take this virtual reality to the next level, and bring it back to reality.

In X-SPACE you do not enter the virtual reality through glasses and do not even look at the screen, but step into the virtual experience in a real physical way. Have you ever imagined yourself walking inside a great movie? Enjoying a virtual reality experience without binoculars? So that’s it. It’s true, it’s more for your kids – and they’ll probably just love it – but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the unique experience yourself.

I live in a virtual reality. X-Space. Photo: the complex website

From the moment you enter X-SPACE, the border between the screen and reality blurs, and you become part of the digital experience, and can experience it together with friends and family. A completely different way to enter virtual reality. And the real magic – perhaps apart from these crazy colors – is that Voalim Wonder customers can enjoy a discount of almost half the price – instead of 119 NIS, you can collect an entrance ticket for 59 NIS + 25 points. All that is needed is just Enter the Wonder Workers appand jump into the real virtual world.

*For Bank Hapoalim customers who hold a Bank Hapoalim credit card and are attached to the “Poaleim Internet” channel.
Subject to the regulations of the program on the bank’s website, the conditions on the benefit page and the conditions of use of the Poalim Wonder application. while stocks last

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