Taking shape? Report: This is how the return to the nuclear agreement should be carried out

by time news

Back to the nuclear deal: The “Al-Jazeera” website published today (Saturday) that the European proposal to restore the nuclear agreement from 2015 is heart-wrenching, while the Qatari website adds the details of the proposed agreement, indicating that there is a broad agreement between the Islamic Republic and the Western countries. Meanwhile, officials in Washington said the major powers were cautiously optimistic.

According to reports, the potential deal will include four phases, over two periods spread over 60 days. Also, about 150 financial entities, and 17 banks will be removed from the sanctions list on the day the agreement is completed. In addition, South Korea will release the Iranian assets, worth 7 billion shekels, which were frozen in the country, and the Islamic Republic will receive guaranteed relief from the US in easing the sanctions.

The emergency meeting between Iran and the powers regarding the nuclear deal (Photo: Reuters)

At the same time, the reports indicate that the proposed agreement contains a clause in which Iran commits to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and that the nuclear materials in its possession will undergo an open and transparent investigation. to remove the sanctions.

If the agreement is signed, Iranians expect the economy to recover to a large extent. However, even if the agreement is signed, the restrictions on uranium enrichment should expire only in 2025. In addition, according to US priorities, the Americans want to make sure, through full monitoring of the Atomic Energy Agency, that Iran does not develop a nuclear weapon.

The nuclear reactor in Natanz (Photo: Reuters)The nuclear reactor in Natanz (Photo: Reuters)

As mentioned, Iran has officially canceled a demand that was a “red line” for it and caused a delay in the negotiations for the nuclear agreement with the powers, as a senior official in the American administration told CNN. This, after in its response to the draft nuclear agreement proposed by the European Union, Iran did not demand the removal of the Revolutionary Guards from the list of terrorist organizations. “The current version of the text waives that demand,” the official said, noting that the US has consistently rejected the demand, “so if we’re closer to a deal, that’s why.”

The American source emphasized that signing the agreement “is closer than it was two weeks ago, but the outcome remains uncertain as several gaps remain. President Biden will only approve a deal that meets our national security interests.” According to senior administration official Biden, progress in negotiations from this stage onward may be slow, “but there seems to be more momentum now than there has been in the past year.”

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