Talk4Growth: sustainability and digital, this is the (right) transition

by time news

It is the era of sustech: sustainability and technology are competitiveness enablers for companies. The debate at the first “Talk4Growth” with Francesco Starace, Lucia Morselli, Kirsten Dunlop, Daniela Bernacchi – Economics editorial staff /Courier TV

There is no sustainable development without access to clean and efficient energy across the planet. Objective 7 of the UN’s 2030 Agenda asks for it. Yet today 790 million people still lack electricity, and the share of renewables does not exceed 20%. Furthermore, it is necessary to transform entire productive sectors, in order to reach the most ambitious goal: zero emissions by 2050. How to do this is the challenge of the century for the industry. From these ideas the first appointment with Talk4Growth, the second edition of the webinars organized by L’Economia with Accenture, began. At the center, the energy transition which, as the speakers explained, needs two key factors to be completed: technology and collaboration. “Companies are increasingly embracing the idea of ​​a responsible business: development is sustainable when it meets current needs without harming future generations – comments Mauro Marchiaro, Accenture Strategy & Consulting Lead in Italy, Central Europe and Greece -. It is also important for manufacturers and retailers to know that consumer awareness of environmental issues is growing. Then there is an objective confirmation: those who have been able to combine technology and sustainability have growth prospects above the market average. Today we talk about fintech, agritech, insurtech, but the time has come to spread sustech: sustainability and technology ».


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