“Tatort” 2024: Which detectives satisfied, which disenchanted? – 2024-05-22 21:11:13

by times news cr

2024-05-22 21:11:13

Followers must do with out the “crime scene” for 3 months. Time to look again. How have you ever loved the 2024 season thus far? Vote!

The final “crime scene” occurred on Could twentieth. ARD has already proven 17 instances this 12 months. A couple of groups like Batic and Leitmayr from Munich and Ballauf and Schenk from Cologne investigated a number of instances.

However which staff do you significantly keep in mind from the previous 5 months? With the “Tatort” survey, t-online needs to search out out which investigators you assume have been convincing and which have been fairly disappointing thus far in 2024. Vote!

On Whitsunday we went to the Black Forest. Nearly six million viewers tuned in and watched Franziska Tobler (performed by Eva Löbau) and Friedemann Berg (Hans-Jochen Wagner) examine in a movie with an open ending. The ARD crime thriller mentioned goodbye to the summer season break with the case “Final Journey to Schauinsland”.

There might be one other “police name” on Could twenty sixth, however then it is going to be over in the interim – and that for 3 months. The break for each crime sequence is especially lengthy this 12 months. Followers will in all probability need to do with out each codecs for eleven weeks. Final 12 months it was “solely” 9 weeks. The break for the codecs often does not begin till mid-June.

Sport as an alternative of crime

The rationale for the lengthy summer season break: Within the coming weeks, spectators can count on quite a lot of highlights from the world of sport. The European Soccer Championship will happen from June 14th to July 14th, the Tour de France will run from June twenty ninth to July twenty first, the Olympic Video games will happen in Paris from July twenty sixth to August eleventh and the Tour de Femmes will happen from August twelfth to 18th.

These sporting occasions additionally sometimes take up the Sunday night broadcast slot. If there aren’t any video games or competitions on Sundays at 8:15 p.m., ARD pulls outdated episodes of the favored crime sequence out of the archives. A couple of repeats are already identified.

  • June 2nd: “Crime Scene: Miracles all the time occur” (2021)
  • 9. June: Sport
  • 16. June: “Police Name 110: For Janina” (2018)
  • 23. June: Sport
  • June thirtieth: “Crime Scene: Huberty’s Revenge” (2022)

Share your opinion

Which “Tatort” staff did you want probably the most in 2024? Which staff disenchanted you? Write an electronic mail to Lesermeinung@stroeer.de. Please use the topic “Tatort 2024” and clarify why.

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