Tatyana Tarasova was discharged from the hospital | News | News

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Honored coach of Russia Tatyana Tarasova was discharged from the hospital. She left the clinic where she was hospitalized and now continues her treatment at home.

“I’m home. I continue to be treated, I do droppers and slowly recover, ”Tarasova told RIA Novosti.

Tatyana Tarasova’s health deteriorated in November 2021 when she began to experience severe headaches. Because of her condition, she canceled a trip to the Russian Grand Prix in Sochi, where she was supposed to work as a commentator, Sport-Express clarifies. On December 14, she was hospitalized due to high blood pressure, writes RT. On December 22, she was discharged.

On January 7, it became known that an ambulance was called to the coach after she complained of stomach pains and a headache. The doctors who came to the call gave her first aid, but they did not hospitalize her. On January 8, 74-year-old Tarasova reported that she felt fine, but on January 11 she was hospitalized again.

Tatyana Tarasova is a master of sports of the USSR of international class and a Soviet and Russian coach. Her students took 41 gold medals in world and European competitions by 2004, the 360 ​​TV channel notes.

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