Teen Prodigy Prathamesh Jaju Captures Stunning Lunar Image, Impresses NASA with 55,000 Photos

by time news

## Moon Image Captured ⁣by 16-Year-Old Indian Goes Viral

A ⁤16-year-old Indian boy⁢ named Prathamesh Jaju recently shared an incredibly detailed image of the Moon he created using 55,000 photographs. This remarkable photo caught ⁣the ‍attention of the entire world, even surprising NASA itself.


Jaju, from‌ Pune, Maharashtra,​ captured 55,000 images of the Moon​ over several months. He meticulously compiled them into a massive file, resulting in an‍ incredibly sharp and‌ detailed High ⁢Dynamic Range (HDR) image. ⁢He proudly shared it on ‌his Instagram account.

Teen Prodigy Prathamesh Jaju Captures Stunning Lunar Image, Impresses NASA with 55,000 Photos
Prathamesh Jaju working on his image.

Jaju admits the⁣ process was computationally‍ intensive, requiring significant processing power from his​ laptop. He meticulously stitched ‌together‍ hundreds⁢ of‌ individual frames, creating a breathtakingly ​detailed image ⁣of the Moon.

His remarkable achievement caught the attention of the United States embassy in New⁢ Delhi, who invited Jaju to visit NASA headquarters in ⁢Washington. The agency expressed interest in learning more about​ his techniques and potentially supporting his aspirations to ‍pursue⁤ astrophysics.

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