Terry Gou, Foxconn Founder Announces Bid for Taiwan Presidency

by time news

Foxconn Founder Terry Gou Announces Bid for Taiwan Presidency

Terry Gou, the billionaire founder of Foxconn, announced his bid for Taiwan’s presidency on August 28, 2023. Gou, who stepped down as Foxconn chief in 2019, aims to secure the presidency in the 2024 elections. His announcement comes as the fourth person to enter the race, with poll numbers placing him behind the current front-runner, the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) William Lai.

Gou’s previous attempts at securing the nomination from Taiwan’s main opposition party, the Kuomintang (KMT), were unsuccessful. The KMT leans towards closer ties with China, which claims Taiwan as its own territory. Despite his setbacks, Gou has spent the past few weeks touring Taiwan and holding campaign-like rallies, leading to speculation that he would run as an independent candidate.

During a press event in Taipei, Gou criticized the DPP’s leadership, stating that they have led Taiwan towards the risk of war internationally and made domestic policy mistakes. He pledged to bring 50 years of peace to the Taiwan Strait and build mutual trust with China if given the opportunity as president. Gou emphasized the importance of avoiding conflict with China, urging voters to support him as an alternative to the DPP’s approach.

To qualify as an independent candidate, Gou must collect approximately 300,000 voter signatures by November 2, 2023. The Central Election Commission will review the signatures and announce the results by November 14. Analysts have voiced concerns that Gou’s bid could further divide the opposition vote, potentially paving the way for the DPP’s victory in the upcoming election.

Former Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party has consistently ranked second in the polls, with KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih placing third. Gou called for unity among opposition parties, proposing discussions with Ko and Hou to join forces against the DPP. However, the KMT expressed disappointment with Gou’s bid and urged him to support their chosen candidate, Hou. Ko’s party respected Gou’s right to run but remained focused on their own campaign.

The 2024 election takes place amidst heightened tensions between Taiwan and China, with Beijing regularly conducting military exercises near the island to assert its sovereignty. Addressing concerns about his ties to China through Foxconn, Gou stated that he is willing to sacrifice his personal assets in China if there were a Chinese attack. Foxconn also clarified that Gou has not been involved in day-to-day management for the past four years.

The election campaign and its outcome will play a crucial role in shaping Taiwan-China relations and addressing Taiwan’s position on the global stage.

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