Thailand has tightened rules for the entry of foreign tourists – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

by time news

Thailand has suspended its “non-quarantine entry” program since December 22, citing concerns about the potential spread of the omicron option among inbound foreign tourists. The COVID-19 Commission, chaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-Och, has suspended entry without quarantine amid a rise in imported cases, Bloomberg reported.

The decision will remain in effect until January 4, after which the coronavirus group will reassess the policy, Deputy Prime Minister Supatanapong Punmichau explained. Tourism-dependent Thailand dropped the requirement in November on the condition that travelers are fully vaccinated and carry negative pre- and post-arrival tests.

About 200,000 tourists previously approved to enter the country without quarantine will continue to be allowed into Thailand, although they will be closely monitored and must comply with additional measures. Among them: conducting two PCR tests in Thailand immediately after arrival and on the seventh day of stay in the country. According to the Prime Minister of Thailand, of the number of travelers allowed to enter without quarantine, 110 thousand have already arrived in the country.

Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul noted that the introduction of the isolation regime is an extreme measure. Over the past two months, foreign travelers have entered Thailand under the Test & Go and Sandbox programs, with the exception of Phuket, under which they are required to present a certificate of vaccination against COVID-19. Test & Go involves tourists passing a PCR test for coronavirus at the airport in Thailand after arrival. Tourists should not leave their hotel before receiving a negative result.


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