“Thank you President for being here”

by time news

2023-06-23 12:09:33

Day of celebrations and awards today at the Accademia dei Lincei where the closure of the academic year was celebrated and the prestigious ‘Antonio Feltrinelli’ awards were presented, in the presence of the Head of State. “I would like to express heartfelt thanks to the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, for the attention given to us and for his presence today, at the closing session of the academic year, which is particularly significant since from now on it will also coincide with the presentation of the Awards Lincei and the Antonio Feltrinelli Prizes, among the most important internationally in terms of value, articulation and excellence of the winners” was the greeting addressed to the Head of State by the president of the Accademia dei Lincei, Roberto Antonelli, in his report in occasion of the Closing Ceremony of the 2022-2023 Academic Year, today in the headquarters in Via della Lungara, in Rome. Antonelli underlined that they are “two events that have weighed and weigh” on the activities of the Accademia dei Lincei “in Italy and in Europe: the terrible flood that devastated Emilia-Romagna and the war in Ukraine, the first European war, after seventy years, fought between armies”. Antonelli then reported that “the Accademia dei Lincei has therefore decided to award an extraordinary Antonio Feltrinelli Prize of 250,000 euros in 2024 for an exceptional enterprise of high moral and humanitarian value in favor of the affected populations of Emilia Romagna, as has already been it was done in 2009 for the earthquake that hit L’Aquila and last year for Ukraine, in which case we also awarded ten scholarships this year”. “It is a small contribution in the face of the enormity of the disaster, but – said Antonelli – it is a sign of our solidarity”. “A great tragedy has taken place in Emilia-Romagna but at the same time there has been an anticipation of our future, if at European and global level an agreement cannot be found very quickly to really implement the measures proposed for some time by the scientists of all over the world and also reaffirmed by our Academy in international conferences and in the documents of the G 20 in Rome and the G 7 in Tokyo on which we collaborated: we will reiterate it again next year in the G 7 which will be held here in Rome, at the Lincei “.

“Science has also done its duty in this case and has indicated the possible solutions. In our conferences, the causes of climate change, the possible catastrophes, but also the possible solutions were reaffirmed, to which young people and the very young rightly devote particular attention since their future is at stake”, underlined the president of the Accademia dei Lincei, observing that “unfortunately, also with regard to the war in Ukraine, we must advance considerations similar to those formulated for the consequences of climate change, due to the stalemate in to which the possible peace negotiations are concerned”. “Despite the efforts made by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, by Pope Francis and other international authorities, we are still far from possible negotiations for a lasting peace, with catastrophic human, economic and moral consequences”, observed the philologist at the head of the major institution European science and culture. “Russia’s aggression against Ukraine takes us back to a past that we thought was over and forces every citizen and every institution, including scientific and cultural ones among the first, to deal with the current situation and with the consequences that that action has brought into the present and will lead into the future. We must also seriously reflect on how close the danger of the use of nuclear weapons has come, the outcome of which would lead to the end of human society. Here too our scientists continued to work in the Group of work for international security and arms control (SICA), after the XXI Amaldi Conference organized by our associate Luciano Maiani. They asked to immediately promote negotiations relating to disarmament, with the involvement of all nuclear powers”. “The very fact that a use of nuclear weapons in the war in Ukraine has been hypothesized – argued the president of the Accademia dei Lincei – broke another hitherto untouchable taboo. Even an accident, as happened in 1914, could cause what no one of actors and no rational being certainly desires. Great Politics – as also for the environmental question – is the art of knowing how to make possible precisely what does not seem so and therefore of knowing how to speak even among enemies”. “On these aspects, the Academy intends to give, once again, its own specific contribution both by resuming the initiatives dedicated to Science Diplomacy, open to all interlocutors, and on a scientific and historical level” added the philologist Antonelli. “We are aware of the many urgencies looming over the country system, from public health to the safety of the territory, to infrastructures, to many other major problems, but if you don’t invest in research there is no innovation and without innovation there is no appropriate development to the challenges we are facing in the next few years”, the president of the Accademia dei Lincei also indicated in his speech, adding that “the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Vincenzo Visco, recently recalled this, insisting on the relationship between research, innovation, development and the possibility of restarting the product per hour worked and therefore the recovery of public finances”.

The “Antonio Feltrinelli” International Prizes, each endowed with a check for 100,000 euros, were awarded to Wolf Dieter Heilmeyer for archeology, Anselm Kiefer for painting, Özlem Türeci and Ugur Sahin for medicine, Reinhard Zimmermann for legal sciences , Ioannis (John) Iliopoulos for physics, who were the winners of The winners of the prizes for Italian citizens went: for sculpture to Giuseppe Penone, for the graphic novel to Michele Rech (Zerocalcare), for musical composition to Fabio Vacchi, directed by Pier Luigi Pizzi. The “Antonio Feltrinelli Giovani” Awards, reserved for Italian citizens who have not exceeded the age of 40 on 31 October 2022, have been assigned: for bioengineering to Calogero Maria Oddo, for environmental chemistry to Raffaele Cucciniello, for epidemiology to Michele Carugno. The prize was also awarded for an exceptional enterprise of high moral and humanitarian value to the Francesco Realmonte onlus association, dedicated to the memory of professor Francesco Realmonte, professor of civil law at the Catholic University, who has been working for years at a national level and international level to promote respect for people’s rights and dignity, in particular the right to education and professional training of young people who live in conditions of vulnerability due to wars and forced migrations, promoting their social integration and well-being. The prestigious awards of the Lincei have been assigned since 1950 to personalities who have distinguished themselves in the scientific or humanistic fields at national and international level. Over time, personalities of the caliber of Thomas Mann, Filippo De Pisis, Mies van der Rohe, Igor Strawinsky, Federico Chabod, Gianfranco Contini, Leo Spitzer, Vasco Pratolini, Wystan Hugh Auden, Aldo Palazzeschi have been awarded with the Feltrinelli dei Lincei Awards. , Georges Braque, Ildebrando Pizzetti, Mario Praz, Arnaldo Momigliano, Carlo Emilio Gadda, Camillo Sbarbaro, Mino Maccari, Luchino Visconti, Henry Moore, Giacomo Debenedetti, John Dos Passos, Francesco Arcangeli, Pier Luigi Nervi, Eugenio Garin, Italo Calvino, Vittorio Sereni, Eduardo De Filippo, Alberto Burri, Umberto Mastroianni, Giovanni Macchia, Joan Miró, Cesare Brand, Franco Venturi, Roman Jakobson, Anna Banti, Romano Bilenchi, Giorgio Caproni, Günter Grass, Massimo Mila, Primo Levi, Thomas Bernhard, Roberto Gabetti and Aimaro Oreglia d’Isola, Bruno Munari, Luciano Berio, Laurence Olivier, Giorgio Bassani, Attilio Bertolucci, Cesare Segre, Emilio Vedova, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Michelangelo Antonioni. (by Andreana d’Aquino)


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