The 10 best smart hospitals in the world (2024 edition)

by time news

2023-09-15 20:00:34

Currently there are few health centers on the planet with tools such as Artificial Intelligence, telemedicine, 3D printing and robotic equipment to perform minimally invasive surgeries.
For the third consecutive year, the results of the best smart hospitals in the world, 2024 edition, were published and there are some surprises.
Although the dominance of the United States remains, for the first time two European hospitals appear in the top places.

Technology has completely transformed the healthcare field. Today doctors have multiple tools at their disposal to interact with patients. At the same time, multiple innovations have been developed that aim to facilitate the detection of diseases and illnesses. As a result there are now the so-called smart hospitals and those that are classified as the best in the world towards 2024 were even announced.

What was the first hospital in the world?

To start the The term “hospital” comes from the Latin “hospitale” and means inn. It refers to the fact that in this type of spaces not only are the sick cared for but they can remain hospitalized during their recovery. In some cases their stay is only days but in others it can be extended for weeks and months.

Now, the first hospital in history has not yet been precisely determined, although according to the magazine Very interesting The foundations occurred in the 6th century BC in the territory that is today occupied by India. At that time, it was ordered to build specific spaces to care for pregnant women and achieve safe births.

Thousands of years have passed since then and medical care has completely transformed. Nowadays, in addition to architecture, it is also important to have advanced and cutting-edge equipment. In addition to helping in patient care, they also allow healthcare personnel to explore their capabilities.

10 characteristics that all hospitals of the future will have

Characteristics that smart hospitals must have

With this in mind, recently the term “smart hospital”. It is used to describe those who use tools such as Artificial Intelligence and algorithms on a daily basis to analyze large amounts of data in just a few seconds. They must also have equipment inside to perform minimally invasive surgeries such as the Da Vinci robot and internal interconnectivity through the Internet.

Ranking with the 10 best “smart hospitals” in the world (2023 edition)

Likewise, they must have innovations such as Augmented Reality, robotics and 3-D printing to completely transform the patient experience.

What are the best smart hospitals in the world heading to 2024?

As a result of all of the above, in 2022 the magazine Newsweek and the database Statesman They published a ranking with the best technological hospitals in the world. Now, for the third time, the list was announced, although there are not too many differences with respect to previous editions because there is absolute dominance of the United States.

Mayo Clinic – Rochester – United States
Cleveland Clinic – United States
Massachusetts General Hospital – United States
The Johns Hopkins Hospital – United States
The Mount Sinai Hospital – United States
MD Anderson Cancer Center – United States
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center – United States
Brigham And Women’s Hospital – United States
Charité – University Medicine Berlin – Alemania
Karolinska University Hospital – Suecia

To prepare this work, hospitals from 28 countries were taken into account and functions such as telemedicine, digital images, Artificial Intelligence and robotics.

Finally, something that stands out is that for the first time two European units appear within the top 10. This is the Charité – University Medicine Berlin located in Germany and Karolinska University Hospital from Sweden. The two are the only ones that today compete with those of the American Union.

Also read:

Ranking with the 10 best “smart hospitals” in the world (2023 edition)

10 characteristics that all hospitals of the future will have

Smart hospital: These are the features it should have

#smart #hospitals #world #edition

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