The 10 foods that provide the most protein to your diet

by times news cr

2024-05-12 23:51:57

To maintain a Healthy life and a stunning body, people often resort to consuming miracle products or alternatives.

It is for this reason that below we will tell you which are the 10 foods that contribute more protein to your diet.

Although there are some products on the market that promise to make people lose weight in just a few days without the slightest effort, the truth is that many of them are harmful, to the point of putting people’s lives at risk, since They do not have the clinical tests required by the General Health Law, however, they tend to ignore these alerts in order to achieve an “aesthetic” body quickly.

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But it is better to do it naturally so as not to cause rebound and put life at risk.

10 foods rich in protein

For exercise to work correctly, it must be accompanied by a balanced diet that provides you with enough energy to perform the routine.

And this is where proteins come into action, essential for building muscle tissues and accelerating the chemical reactions of the metabolism and good allies when it comes to reducing appetite due to its satiating effect, which will also help if the goal is to lose weight. weight.

Since according to the latest studies by the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada and the American College of Sports Medicine, with a good diet rich in protein it will not be necessary to take any type of supplement.

That is why the following foods, apart from being tasty, “cheap” and easy to prepare, even provide “vitamins A, D, E and K, folic acid and are rich in minerals, sodium and potassium, which contribute to normal functioning. of the nervous system and muscles. Such is the case of the egg, although there are also:

  • Chicken and poultry. White meat is an excellent source of protein, specifically 100 g of chicken provides 27 g of protein. But be careful with the skin, it is loaded with saturated fats, so remove it before eating.
  • Soy. A large cup of cooked soybeans provides 28 g of protein. It also provides vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.
  • Natural yogurt. A small glass of nonfat Greek yogurt provides 12 to 17.3 g of protein. In addition, it is a satiating food that “contains L-Tryptophan, which will help our body to produce serotonin that will keep us in good spirits during the day,” explains Laura Isabel Arranz, dietician-nutritionist at Obrador Sorribas.
  • Chickpeas. They have iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin K, and can be eaten in a salad to make them lighter. 1 cup of cooked chickpeas contains about 12 g of protein.
  • Salmon. It also provides “phosphorus, vitamins B6 and B12 and niacin – which help reduce the feeling of tiredness and fatigue -, and vitamin D, which helps keep bones and muscles in normal conditions,” explains Noelia Suárez. A 100 g serving of salmon provides 20 g of protein.
  • Pumpkin seeds. Much healthier than sunflower seeds, they provide a large amount of magnesium and protein: 9 g in each 30-gram handful.
  • Fresh cheese or cottage cheese. It is low in calories, but very rich in protein: 100 g will provide you with about 23 g of protein, much more than an egg.
  • Quinoa. Gluten-free and with nine essential amino acids, it is an excellent food in weight control diets, due to its satiating capacity and low fat content. 1 cup of cooked quinoa contains about 8 g of protein.
  • Almonds. They are nuts rich in protein – a small handful contains about 7.5 g – and very healthy for the heart. They also provide vitamin E, copper and magnesium.

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So now you know if what you want is to eat well and at the same time lose pace or increase muscle mass, do not forget to include these foods in your diet and even avoid the consumption of red meat such as beef, horse or ox, since they contain a greater amount. of saturated fats.


2024-05-12 23:51:57

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