The 2024 Women’s Tour de France will leave Rotterdam just after the Paris Olympics

by time news

2023-07-10 12:23:00

A departure from abroad, during the summer holidays: the 2024 edition of the Tour de France women will leave from Rotterdam on August 12, the day after the closing ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games, announced the director of the Marion Rousse test on Monday 10 July. Three of the eight stages will take place in the Netherlands, including two on the same day, including a time trial in the streets of Rotterdam, before the finish on Sunday August 18, in a location which will not be revealed until August 25. October, with the rest of the route. This will be the first departure abroad for the women’s Grande Boucle which was revived last year when it set off from Paris. This year, she will leave on July 23 from Clermont-Ferrand.

Published on: 07/10/2023 – 12:23

Annemiek Van Vleuten at La Super Planche des Belles Files, July 31st. AFP – JEFF PACHOUD

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