The 25th since the beginning of the year: new details about the attack attributed to Israel in Syria

by time news

The Saudi Al-Hadath channel shed more light today (Saturday) on the attack that took place tonight at the international airport in Damascus. According to the report, the attack attributed to Israel was aimed at “the aid office of the Lebanese Legion, Damascus branch” of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. According to estimates, this office is apparently engaged in supporting Iranian militias, including Hezbollah.

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The Syrian Center for Human Rights reported that five Syrian soldiers were killed, two of whom were members of the militias supported by Iran. It was also reported that this was the 25th attack attributed to Israel since the beginning of the year and that it was carried out in the areas near Damascus where those militias are stationed. According to him, the place attacked was damaged – and some of the missiles were intercepted.The Syrian Ministry of Transport was quick to stress that the airport was operating as usual.

As I recall, this is the second attack in about two weeks aimed at the airport in the Syrian capital. Then Syria accused Israel of an attack near Damascus in which two people were killed. This, after an attack near the city of Aleppo, in the northwest of the country. The Lebanese “Al-Mayadeen” network reported that the target of the attack was apparently the city’s international airport, into which “several missiles were fired” and that it was damaged. According to the report, “the Israeli Air Force attacked one of the airport’s runways and ammunition depots adjacent to it.”

Satellite photo of the attack at Aleppo airport (Photo: ImageSat International (ISI)

As mentioned, the Syrian Foreign Ministry claimed that the attacks that happened recently in several places in the country are a “war crime”, and called on the international community to bring it to justice. “We consider Israeli airstrikes on civilian infrastructure to be a war crime according to international law and call for Israel to be brought to justice for this,” the Syrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

According to foreign reports, over the past few months, Israel has increased its attacks on airports in Syria, with the aim of disrupting Tehran’s increasing use of aerial ammunition supply lines to its allies in Syria and Lebanon, including Hezbollah.

Attack near the airport in Aleppo, Syria (Photo: REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah)Attack near the airport in Aleppo, Syria (Photo: REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah)

A Western intelligence source claimed that the motive behind the attack on the airports is Iran’s increasing use of commercial airlines to transport weapons to Damascus and Aleppo airports instead of land transport. According to him, Israeli intelligence information indicated that more flights are being used to transport weapons and small military equipment that can be smuggled on regular flights from Tehran, especially after the disruption of ground transportation operations between Syria and Iraq.

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