The 5 medical specialties with the most resident resignations

by time news
  • In order to study a specialty, it is necessary to present and pass the ENARM.
  • Most hospitals also request a face-to-face interview where you must demonstrate that you have sufficient interest in the chosen specialty.
  • Despite all the previous sacrifices, there are some medical specialties that stand out because they are the ones that accumulate the most resignations from residents.

Concluding any university degree implies an enormous effort and many sacrifices. After graduating from school, it is possible to continue with training to aspire to higher salaries or out of simple personal conviction. But once the step is achieved there are new adversities that can cause the desire to continue with the studies to disappear. With this in mind, Do you know which are the medical specialties with the most resignations of residents?

All the sacrifices that must be faced

First of all, it is necessary to remember the path that general practitioners must face on their way to study a specialty. One of the main ones is to pass the National Exam for Applicants for Medical Residency (ENARM). The demand for applicants is so great that it is no longer enough to get a good score. Now it is necessary to achieve one of the highest qualifications to get a place.

In this vein, as of 2020 there was an increase in the places offered. While before there were around 9,000, now the figure is 18,000. But although there are more opportunities now, it is still not enough to meet the demand of all young people.

To understand the problem, even with the increase in places, only 40% of applicants get a residence. With this it can be seen that more hospitals are still needed to accommodate so many general practitioners who want to become specialists.

Now, getting a high score is just the beginning of a long process. Then you must choose a specialty and select the hospital to which you want to belong. For this part it is necessary to go to the hospital and complete an interview. You need to make a good impression and show that you have enough conviction to be accepted.

If all of the above can be overcome then March 1 of each year is the formal start of the medical residency. During this facet it is necessary to fulfill a double role because at the same time you must be a student and a worker.

The medical specialties with the most resident resignations

That said, although a long process must be completed and there are many sacrifices involved, it does not mean that the rest of the way is happy and friendly. In fact, the next stage is the most complicated and even causes young people to give up continuing with their residency.

Based on all of the above, the user @tumedicoradiologo posted a video with the medical specialties where there are more resident resignations. To date there are no official figures from Mexico and for this reason the MIR of Spain was used as a base.

  • Family Medicine
  • Work Medicine
  • Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Pathological anatomy
  • Preventive medicine

#medicinafamiliar #saludpublica #cardiologia #abandonarespecialidad #top5 #medicina #medicoblasto #anatomiapathologica

♬ original sound – Tu Médico Radiologo

What remains to be identified is what causes a young man to give up his dreams after so many sacrifices. Each one has its own reasons, although there are some that are the main ones and these are the ones that are most often repeated.

One of the main ones is that the specialty is not what was envisioned. From the outside you can have a general idea but nothing compares to experiencing the residence in the first person.

Other aspects such as the treatment of superiors also influence. Sometimes the hazing and abuse are so great that they generate a strong disappointment in young people.

And according to your experience, which medical specialties have the most resignations from residents?

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