The 5 most frequent illnesses during the summer

by time news

2023-07-12 19:00:26

Heat waves are one of the biggest problems and are related to most of the most common summer illnesses.
According to the Ministry of Health, during June 487 patients associated with heat stroke were treated in the country.
The beginning of summer brings with it high temperatures throughout the national territory.

The arrival of summer stands out for the high temperatures and although in general it is a pleasant time there are also some diseases that are more frequent on these dates. For this reason, it is important to know the most common problems to determine the best forms of protection and thus avoid risks.

In this sense, the middle of each year brings with it a period of rest and with it a variation in ordinary activities. During this season the schools remain closed and in some cases families go on vacation.

“In this season there is an increase in certain conditions due to a combination of factors such as high temperatures, the proliferation of insects, water contamination, spoiled food or seasonal allergies. Most of the discomforts are the result of the modifications that the body undergoes with new habits, more time outdoors or travel”, says Paulina Mejía, who is a Biological Pharmaceutical Chemist at Kabla.

The most frequent diseases and health problems during the summer


It is probably the most frequent condition during the summer due to a greater solar exposition. If this happens, the skin becomes red and, in severe cases, ulcerations and blisters can occur. A preventive measure to avoid complications is the use of sunscreen and aftersun creams that help restore moisture loss in the skin.

According to National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), minors are the most at risk of sunburn because they are exposed two to three times more than the adult population. In addition to this, only 10% of the population has the habit of using sunscreen.


He National Meteorological Service (SMN) and the UNAM estimate that during this year in the country there will be at least four heat waves and they can last from five days to a week, depending on the maximum temperature in the region.

This leads to cases of dehydration. figures of the Ministry of Health (SSa) estimate that during June 487 patients associated with heat stroke were treated, whose conditions are increased body temperature, confusion or loss of consciousness, vomiting or breathing problems. Given this, it is advisable to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, mainly during midday and in the afternoon.


Poor hygiene habits, food intake and contaminated water are other risk factors for getting sick during the summer. Data from the IMSS establish that gastroenteritis is a very frequent condition, since 1.4 million consultations are given per year, which places it as the third cause of medical attention.

Therefore, it is recommended during this season to avoid eating food on the street, keep food refrigerated or in cool places, as well as wash fruits and vegetables.

Allergies and bites

In this summer season there are a greater number of insects and a person is more likely to suffer from bites that can cause inflammation in most cases or even vomiting, dizziness and fever. The easiest prevention is to use insect repellents or some device that inhibits their presence in enclosed spaces.

In some environments there is a greater risk with insect bites, because you can contract diseases such as dengue, malaria or yellow fever, for which it is essential to go immediately to a medical center in order to receive comprehensive care.

Respiratory diseases

These conditions are generally related to sudden changes in temperature, either due to air conditioning in closed spaces, the intake of very cold drinks or products, as well as variations in ambient temperature, which leads to contracting a common cold or flu.

Also read:

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#frequent #illnesses #summer

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