The 50 DGT radars that issue the most fines

by time news

2023-05-18 14:16:17

The most active radar in Spain is located at km. 74.7 of the A-381, at the exit of the Valdeinfierno tunnel, in the municipality of Los Barrios (Cádiz), with a record of 79,258 complaints.

By autonomous communities, it stands out that the most active radars in the DGT They have been located in Andalusia, with 953,422 complaints made and representing 25.7% of the total; in the Valencian Community, with 447,470 (12%) and Castilla y León, with 427,448 (11.5%). On the contrary, the radars located in La Rioja (39,757), Navarra (83,231) and Asturias (83,993) are the ones that recorded the fewest complaints.

This is stated in the Associated European Motorists report, which compiles the most active cinemometers in Spain. According to this association, only 50 radars, of the more than 1,000 that Traffic has deployed on Spanish roads, accumulated 28% of the fines.

Of these, 33 already appeared in the ranking of the most active cinemometers of the previous year. The other seventeen are located in new locations. During the year 2022, the DGT radars filed 3,704,675 complaints for speeding. This represents an increase of 21.2% over those carried out in the same period of the previous year (3,056,437).

In view of the significant number of complaints made, mostly on highways and highways, and not on secondary roads where 70% of accidents with victims occur, the president of AEA, Mario Arnaldo, considers that “the DGT should rethink its policy radars, since the objective of avoiding speeding or accidents is not being achieved, turning radars into mere collection instruments.

In addition, AEA draws attention to the fact that certain radars have exponentially increased their activity. Thus, for example, the radar located at km. 37 of the A-381, (Autovía Jerez-Los Barrios) in the municipality of Alcala de los Gazules (Cádiz), has gone from making 17,666 complaints in 2021 to 68,321 in 2022. Also the radars located at km. 53 of the M-40, in Madrid and at km. 42.2 of the GC-1, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, have experienced significant increases of more than 200% and 100%, respectively.

List of the most crowded radars, according to AEA

F. P.

In this line, Associated European Motorists has analyzed the fines imposed in Madrid, and according to their data, during the past year traffic complaints in the capital increased by 34%, compared to those formulated in 2021, with a “record” turnover. of 337 million euros.

The Madrid City Council sanctions, with these records, five drivers every minute. As in previous years, most of the offenses committed in the city of Madrid have nothing to do with road safety (speed, traffic lights, alcohol and drugs, use of the telephone, helmet or seatbelt), but rather with mobility, since 45.2% of the complaints made (1,222,305 complaints) refer to parking lots and 29.9% are for unauthorized access to low emission zones (807,810): Downtown District, Plaza Elíptica and inside the M-30 and the M-30 itself. (See attached chart).

Nevertheless, the AEA report It stands out that it is precisely the offenses that directly affect road safety that have increased the most: passing a red light (65%); not using a helmet (67%) and alcohol or drug use (25%).

Regarding the complaints made for speeding, the AEA report indicates that the municipal radars made approximately the same number of complaints as the previous year (485,255 compared to 484,100), being the radar section of the A-5 (Batán) the most active, with 72,652 complaints. (see Top Ten of the most crowded radars).

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