The actor gave lucky money to fans of nearly 500 million VND

by times news cr

On the occasion of Lunar New Year 2024, Tran Triet Vien gave lucky money to fans amounting to nearly 140 thousand yuan (about 500 million VND).

Notably, every time Tran Triet Vien gives lucky money, it comes with 8888, 9999, implying luck and fortune. Some people have drawn lucky money worth up to 150 million VND.

Faced with the generous and psychological actions of the star “Theft Can’t Hide”, fans of Tran Triet Vien were extremely happy. Not only that, many netizens who are not fans of Tran Triet Vien also joined in the fun, causing the actor’s Weibo account to increase by nearly 300,000 followers after New Year’s Eve.

The online community has left “winged” compliments for Tran Triet Vien and said that he is both “economical, sophisticated and kind”, truly the ideal man for many young girls. It is known that in 2023, Tran Triet Vien will also have a feverish lucky money display like this year.

Actor Tran Triet Vien.

In addition to Tran Triet Vien, Hua Khai was also generously praised when he gave lucky money to each staff member of the film Tu Da Quy crew of 1,000 yuan (converted into Vietnamese currency, each person gave more than 3 million VND to the whole crew, total about 800 million VND).

It is known that the Tu Da Quy film crew just started filming not long ago. To ensure progress, the crew did not take a break for Tet but filmed throughout the holiday. Perhaps wanting to encourage the film crew who couldn’t return to celebrate Tet and reunite with their families, Hua Khai gave lucky money quite generously.

The male actor offered his fans 500 million dong-Picture-2

Tran Triet Vien and co-star Trieu Lo Tu in the movie “Theft Can’t Hide”.

Recently, after pairing with Trieu Lo Tu in Theft Can’t Hide, Tran Triet Vien’s resources and reputation have clearly increased.

Remember when the film crew confirmed that Tran Triet Vien would take on the role of Doan Gia Hua, netizens and especially fans of the original original objected strongly, thinking that he did not fit the character setup. However, when the movie came out, everything changed completely, people went from “turning their backs” to praising him endlessly.

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