The ambitions of Nicolas Usaï, new coach of US Orléans

by time news

“I know the USO! During the 2015-2016 season, we were fighting for the climb with Marseille Consolat. We lost in the final minutes, ”smiles Nicolas Usaï. Trained at Olympique de Marseille, where he played for the reserve team in the early 1990s, he has fond memories of another club in the Centre-Val-de-Loire region: La Berrichonne de Châteauroux. , whom he coached from 2018 to 2020. “The two seasons with Jérôme Leroy, the sports director, went very well. Success is often stories of friendships with men who have a passion for football in common. »

This passion for football, he also shares it with Philippe Boutron, the emblematic president of US Orléans Loiret Football, victim, a year ago, of an attack during the Dakar Rally. “I admire his career. For Philippe, nothing is impossible. He loves challenges! Me too… “

Philippe Boutron is full of praise for his new recruit: “He has human qualities, a great capacity for work. Wherever he went, his departure was badly received by the players. He has a very good reputation. His profile is in line with what we want: maintaining the National! »

Eleven draws since the start of the season

The challenge is daunting: six teams will descend this season. But Nicolas Usaï is confident: “Our workforce is of high quality! We must hold on! When you arrive during the season, you have to know how to federate so that the players are attentive. The two preparation matches bode well. »

Nicolas Usaï, 48, voted National’s best coach of the year 2016, was won over by the Orleans club’s project: “The USO has all the infrastructure to be in Ligue 2. The economic potential is there! “But before thinking about the rise, it will be necessary to stop the spiral of 11 draws since the start of the season which keeps the USO on the verge of relegation.

He intends to give impetus as soon as the championship resumes. See you Friday 13 against the fifth, Dunkirk, at the La Source stadium.

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