The appeasement operation of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, on a promotional tour for his latest book, “Do better! »

by time news

2023-09-28 06:00:05
Jean-Luc Mélenchon at the Fête de l’Humanité, in Plessis-Pâté (Essonne), September 15, 2023. GUILLAUME HERBAUT/VU POUR “LE MONDE”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon left behind for a moment the anathemas towards his partners in the New Ecological and Social Popular Union (Nupes), Wednesday September 27, on the eve of the release of his latest book, Do better! Towards the citizen revolution (Robert Laffont, 352 pages, 20 euros). Gone are the parallels with the collaborationist Jacques Doriot, forgotten also the criticisms towards the “old left” which was reinforced in the Senate on Sunday. For his media offensive, the former presidential candidate softened and increased calls for ” take height “ at “8 p.m.” on TF1.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Jean-Luc Mélenchon, or the attack strategy to torpedo the Nupes

Anyone who would like history to remember him as, if not a president, at least a great thinker, put on his intellectual clothes. He deplores also in an interview with Parisian Wednesday, that “left-wing political thought [soit] broke down “. At the same time, it distances another sequence which promises to be less flattering: the broadcast on France 2, Thursday October 5, of an edition of “Complément d’investigation” devoted to Sophia Chikirou, MP (La France insoumise , LFI) from Paris, who is close to the “rebellious” leader.

Wednesday evening, therefore, Jean-Luc Mélenchon defused. On the parallel between Doriot and the general secretary of the Communist Party, Fabien Roussel, relayed by Sophia Chikirou: ” When [François] Ruffin [député LFI de la Somme] and I was accused of being Doriot, no one had anything to say on the subject… It’s all a bloat. » As for Nupes, at a time when many left-wing executives are accusing it of wanting to destroy its creation: “I answer you without difficulty that it must continue because it is the shortest path to victory. »

A Marxist geography

By publishing Do better!, Jean-Luc Mélenchon adds a new book to the list of almost obligatory reading for LFI activists. If the work sells as much as The Era of the People (Fayard, 2014), he will have what it takes to consolidate his roots as a spiritual leader of the “rebels”. The author also presents this “global decryption proposal” as a tool for “help you think in order to act”. “She has no other ambition”, he assures. If necessary, the book could nevertheless provide the framework for numerous meetings, if he had to go back into the campaign for the presidential election.

While the debate on the left, notably with François Ruffin, has focused on the relationship with the working classes of towns and peripheries, Jean-Luc Mélenchon composes a theory focused on cities and their networks as the ideal place for political awareness. . “The urban human condition is at the heart of the revolutionary process of our time”, he writes. If he writes about those excluded from these “networks”this is to say that Seine-Saint-Denis and Indre ultimately share the same fate as a medical desert. “The river, the hill, the ford, the pass no longer play any role. Geographic reality is entirely social”, he concludes, in a Marxist geography. The book leaves little room for anecdotes, however we will learn that Jean-Luc Mélenchon likes to be recognized in the metro, a mode of transport that has almost become a ” certificate of authenticity “ popular.

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