The author says that Russia is not the only country behind the thefts, rapes and murders in Ukraine

by time news

Kyiv, First Published Mar 2, 2022, 5:00 PM IST

Kyiv: The fear in Ukraine is not only the Russian army, but also its own people Ukraine (Ukraine) writer Gonzalo Lira. He speaks out against criminals in Ukraine by sharing a video taken from Kiev. The president said he would arm the people in the fight against Russia Volodymyr Selensky (Volodymyr Zelenskyy) Gonzalo has accused Ukrainian criminals of taking advantage of the situation.

After the distribution of weapons, many people have started using it to plunder and attack their own people. He says theft and rape are on the rise in the country now.

“Many of the shootings in Kiev last night had nothing to do with the Russian military,” he said. The Russian army was about 10 km from the scene of the shooting. What happened here is likely to be an act of criminal gang violence, ”said Gonzalo Lira.

According to Gonzalo Lira, criminal gangs are strengthening their new gang with weapons. Once their needs are implemented, they will begin to target ordinary people.

“These people are causing trouble in Ukraine because of the people who are fighting against the Russians,” he said. This is absurd and irresponsible and it hurts the Ukrainian people. In the video, Gonzalo Lira accused Selensky of “misjudging the regime”.

Selensky’s emotional speech in the EU; Members clapping

Brussels: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s address to the European Parliament has gone viral. The EU applauded as much as he told the EU emotionally. In a video message, Selensky called on the European Parliament not to delay further membership of Ukraine’s application for membership in the 27 – member European Union.

‘Ukrainians, including myself, want their own children alive. Pay with Ukraine. Work with us’ – Volodymyr Selensky told EU members. Selensky reminded that membership in Ukraine would spread life beyond death and light over darkness.

If there is Ukraine, the EU will get stronger. Volodymyr Selensky said emotionally that Ukraine, which was not in the EU, was suffering from loneliness and helplessness. Even the person who translated the speech live from the Ukrainian language became emotional. The speech ended and EU members stood up and applauded.

Rea More: Putin goes to war after his family was locked up in a nuclear-armed submarine cell

Last Updated Mar 2, 2022, 5:11 PM IST

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