The Behobia-San Sebastián opens registrations for regular runners on Wednesday

by time news

The Behobia-San Sebastián 2023 begins its countdown. Next Wednesday, March 29 at noon, registration will open for regular participants in this race, which this year will take place on Sunday, November 12. The registration price for them will be 45 euros. The period for the rest of the athletes will open on May 3 at a price of 50 euros.

As usual, the first to sign up for Behobia 2023 will be the runners and skaters who have registered in three of the last five editions (from 2017 to 2022). The price for them will be 45 euros and the deadline to formalize their registration, both for athletes and regular skaters, will be April 25. All registrations will be made online on the Behobia-San Sebastián website.

Registration for Behobia 2023

  • March 29
    At twelve noon the period for regular runners and skaters opens. Price: 45 euros. Deadline to sign up: April 25

  • May 3
    The registration period is open for the general public. Price: 50 euros. Deadline: September 20

From CD Fortuna, organizers of the popular race, they remember that this group of participants -17,424 athletes and 120 skaters- has a guaranteed place for 28 days, so it is not necessary to formalize their registration on the first day.

That same March 29 and until seats are exhausted, registration will also open for solidarity bibs and tourist packages. In the first case, the participant will have the opportunity to help the social project of their choice, starting from the price of the bib number plus a 7-euro donation. The organization will donate 1 euro for each number to the solidarity project.

General registration on May 3

Those who want to debut in the Behobia-San Sebastián or want to run it again after several editions of absence may register from May 3. That day, at 12:00 noon, registration will open for the general public and until all numbers are exhausted. The price for this group of athletes and skaters will be 50 euros.

Registration will close on September 20, the deadline also to notify the organization of any injury or inability to participate in the test. In addition, from September 13 to November 11, a change of ownership can be made in the number.

It should be remembered that last year the Behobia-San Sebastián limited the number of participants to 30,000. In the 2022 edition, a total of 29,732 people registered, of which 25,759 took the start. Two Catalan runners, Nan Olivera and Cristina Silva were the winners in the men’s and women’s categories respectively.

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