The benefits and harms of protein bars. How to use them correctly?

by time news

Protein bars serve as fast food for athletes and anyone who wants to maintain a beautiful figure. However, contrary to the name, not all bars contain a high concentration of protein.

The answer to the question “Why eat protein bars?” depends on the composition of the bars. The following types are distinguished:

high carb

high protein

balanced (carbohydrate-protein),

low carb and low calorie.

Protein bars can promote weight gain if they are high in carbohydrates. Such food can contain as many calories as whole food, and even more. High protein bars serve as nutrition for athletes who are in an intense training cycle.

Sports bars that contain carbohydrates and proteins in an optimal proportion are called balanced. And low carbohydrate and low calorie are mainly used when losing weight.

They have a number of positive properties. They speed up muscle recovery and regulate the work of the gastrointestinal system.

One bar has as much protein as a good cottage cheese or chicken breast. Muscle recovery during intense training can require so much protein that it is very difficult to get from standard foods alone. In this case, the bar can replace the intake of protein shakes.

It is very important to maintain a caloric surplus during the day, but with the dynamic rhythm of life, it is quite difficult to eat 5-6 times a day. In such situations, high-calorie bars, which can contain up to 25% of daily calories, come to the rescue.

Low-calorie bars reduce appetite and cravings for sweets.

This type is perfect for men and women who are trying to lose weight. Bars with a low content of carbohydrates and calories will not affect the figure, but can help not to break the diet, satisfy the feeling of hunger and get rid of the desire to eat sweets.

When talking about protein bars, it is necessary to pay attention to the other side – the possible harm.

In case of abuse, it is possible to harm the body. Bars cannot replace a full meal. Those rich in proteins are especially dangerous, because oversaturation with proteins can cause allergies, and in the case of kidney or liver diseases, problems.

The effectiveness, benefits and harms of protein bars mainly depend on whether they are chosen correctly.

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