The Benefits of a Meat-Free Diet: Protecting Animals, the Environment, and Your Health

by time news

2024-03-02 03:29:01

If you don’t eat meat, you protect animals, the environment and the climate – and your own health. Experts now largely agree: a meat-free diet is healthier for many people. We show what happens when you stop eating meat.

Inappropriate factory farming, clearing of rainforests, over-fertilization of the soil, exploitation in slaughterhouses, large amounts of greenhouse gases: there are many convincing reasons to avoid meat. Ten to twelve percent of the population in Germany are currently doing this – they are vegetarian or vegan.

However, many people still have doubts: Is it really a good idea to avoid meat completely? After all, meat products contain nutrients that are important for our health. We have Assessments from experts and studies viewed – these are the most important findings:

1. You can still get all the important nutrients

Meat contains, among other things, important things Vitamins and minerals, proteins and lots of iron. But almost all of these nutrients are present also in meatless and plant-based foods.

Or to put it another way: the daily one Nutrient requirements can be done relatively easily even without meat cover – this is the conclusion reached by, among other things, a study that was published in the specialist journal “Scientific Reports”. For the study, a team of scientists analyzed meals in which meat was replaced with plant-based foods. The researchers were interested in the nutrient content. The conclusion: replace meat with plant-based alternatives Soy, green beans or buckwheatyou continue to take it all the nutrients needed to yourself. Although the study refers to the typical diet of people in America, the results can be transferred. Other scientific studies have also come to similar results, such as this study from 2021, which aims to provide medical staff with guidelines.

Legumes such as lentils or chickpeas are important for a meat-free diet: they are rich in protein, iron, zinc and calcium. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / jackmac34)

However, the study situation is clear: one prerequisite is one balanced, varied dietwhich particularly meets the need for Protein, iron, calcium, iodine, zinc, B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids covers. Heavily processed products should remain the exception.

Particularly rich sources of iron and protein include nuts, seeds and legumes. They are also zinc-containing foods and provide the body with calcium – especially with a vegan diet. Many vegetables and whole grains are also important sources of nutrients. If you avoid fish, you can get omega-3 fatty acids from, among other things, linseed, rapeseed and walnut oil as well as algae oil.

If you stop eating meat, you don’t have to worry about your nutrient supply if you eat a balanced diet. With one exception: People who not only follow a meat-free diet but also a purely plant-based diet should also take vitamin B12 as supplements.

2. Your risk of cancer decreases

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) classifies Red meat as “probably carcinogenic” and processed meat even as “carcinogenic” a. Red meat includes pork, beef, lamb, rabbit, horse and goat meat. Meat is processed when it has been preserved – for example by salting or smoking. This category includes, among other things, sausage, salami and ham.

Processed meats like bacon are considered carcinogenic. (CC0 Public Domain /

The WHO authority has its assessment more than 800 existing studies evaluatedwho the Connection between meat consumption and cancer investigate. The studies cover more than 15 different types of cancer and come from different countries.

According to the WHO, there is “limited evidence” that red meat directly causes cancer. For one “carcinogenic effect” be those However, evidence is “strong”. This means that consuming red meat can at least promote the development of cancer. The situation is different with processed meat: the WHO speaks of this “Convincing evidence” that consuming sausage, ham, etc. can cause cancer.

The connection between cancer and red or processed meat is particularly evident Colon cancer notice. But there are also corresponding indications for Pancreatic cancer and Prostate cancer.

3. The risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes decreases

Processed meat can also Heart disease and diabetes Several studies indicate this – such as a meta-study by the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). The responsible research team has 20 studies from ten countries evaluated. Data from more than 1.2 million people was included in the analysis.

The result: At an average of 50 grams daily consumption of processed meat The risk of heart disease increases by 42 percent. The risk Diabetes to get sickincrease by 19 percent. The HSPH study attributes this primarily to the preservatives it contains, such as sodium nitrite.

Further studies continue to find connections between unprocessed red meat and cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. A Chinese-American meta-study provides an overview: It indicates that consuming 50 grams of processed or 100 grams of unprocessed red meat daily increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and secondary diseases as well as type 2 diabetes brings with it.

4. Your risk of a stroke decreases

The above study also suggests a link between meat consumption and strokes as a result of heart disease. Another meta-study published in the “Journal for Internal Medicine” also has the Connection between strokes and meat consumption analyzed. To do this, she examined studies from 2003 to 2012 and evaluated data from over 300,000 participants and over 10,000 stroke patients out of. The test subjects came from the USA, Europe and Japan.

Red meat can increase the risk of stroke. (Photo by Sebastian Holgado on Unsplash / CC0 Public Domain)

Here too, the results pointed in a clear direction: The Red meat consumption goes with one higher risk of a stroke along. The same applies to processed meat – it’s with him Danger even greater: Significantly smaller amounts of processed meat per day are enough to increase the risk of stroke.

5. Your BMI could go down – and your weight

People who no or little meat eat, have on average a lower body mass index (BMI) and a lower body weight than meat-eating people. The Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Neurosciences in Leipzig came to this conclusion in 2020. For a study, the institute surveyed 8,943 people in Leipzig for three years about their eating habits and also determined their BMI.

The scientists involved explain the effect on weight by saying that Animal products are often higher in calories and contain more saturated fatty acids. Furthermore, they will more commonly consumed in processed form, which contains even more calories. A meat-free lifestyle can be an effective way to combat obesity.

Important, however: The informative value of the BMI is limited. A low BMI can also have health disadvantages; a high BMI can indicate a lot of muscle mass instead of fat mass.

Regardless of this, vegetarian and vegan foods can provide almost all the important nutrients for a healthy diet (see point 1) – and as an athlete you can also eat a vegan diet without any problems.

It remains important to eat a diet with varied, fresh and, if possible, unprocessed foods: Frequently very processed plant-based foods Consuming can also affect weight and can lead to a higher BMI.

The study situation on meat consumption

The effects of meat consumption on health are The subject of numerous Studies. Not everyone gets exactly the same results – sometimes they also contradict each other.

The problem with studies on nutritional behavior: In order to be able to make clear statements about cause and effect, controlled studies would be necessary. It would require two groups of test subjects who only differ in whether they eat meat or not. Apart from that, you would have to, for example same amount of sport make, the same meals take or a similar level of stress have. In reality, this is hardly possible; there are isolated attempts with pairs of twins.

Nevertheless, the studies on meat consumption allow some conclusions to be drawn – especially those that work with large data sets. Even if analyzes in different population groups and countries come to similar conclusions, connections can be derived. That red and processed meat the Increase risk of cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease can, therefore, cannot be scientifically disputed.

There are good alternatives to meat

Who his Reduce meat consumption or avoid meat altogether, can benefit health in many cases. Almost all contained in meat You can get nutrients through other foods – with the exception of vitamin B12, which you should supplement with a vegan diet. If you find it difficult to do without, you can enjoy classic meat dishes today Prepare well with various meat alternatives or vegetables.

However, a varied, balanced diet with lots of vegetables, whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts and as few processed products as possible is the key to a good supply of nutrients.

Meat substitute products make it easier to avoid meat. (Photo: CC0 Public Domain / Unsplash – likemeat; CC0 Public Domain / Pexels – Polina Tankilevitch)

Studies by test institutes such as Stiftung Warentest and Öko-Test repeatedly show that Meat alternatives are often healthier than meat are. Vegetarian and vegan products based on soy, wheat and lupine therefore often contain fewer unhealthy ingredients than comparable meat products. They also have one healthier nutrient composition.

Tips and recipes for a meat-free or low-meat diet:

Please read our health information.

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Related topics: Meat industry healthy food vegan vegetarian

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