The boss of Medef wants to build “consensus” with the unions to circumvent political blockages

by time news

Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux appealed to “all the unions ready to discuss”, in particular about the personal training account.

The president of the Medef Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux on Tuesday invited the trade unions and the employers’ organizations to find “consensusto circumvent a possible political paralysis linked to the fragmentation of the new National Assembly. “We cannot remain motionless for five years, the social partners must also form majorities, majorities of circumstance“, Estimated the boss of the first employers’ organization on RMC / BFMTV.

While no party reached the fateful threshold of 289 deputies during the legislative elections of June 19, “we can see that we are going to have trouble finding a majority in the National Assembly“, anticipated Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux. “It almost forces us to find consensus between employers and unions“, he added, before launching an appeal to “all unions ready to discuss“. For instance, “on the personal training account (CPF), there are a number of abuses, we can find an agreement“Between employers and unions, judged the boss of Medef. The secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, responded favorably to this proposal on Tuesday evening. “We are going to enter a somewhat special period (on the political level, editor’s note), all the more reason for (…) civil society (…) the social partners to have their place to say their word“said Mr. Berger on BFM Business. “On the evolution of work, on the question of employment and the difficulties of recruitment, (…) on the question of the sharing of value in companies, (…) trade unions and employers’ organizations can make proposals, and yes it is their role“, he continued, again quoting the “subject of ecological transition in companies» et «professional training».

“A strong social democracy”

In their interviews, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux and Laurent Berger recalled the agreements recently concluded by the social partners within the framework of the “self-name social agenda“, put on the table by the Medef in the spring of 2021 to try to restore color to jointism, after a first Macron five-year term where the State tended to cut corners on the prerogatives of the social partners. “For three years, it has not been seen much in the media, but we have signed five agreements which are making progress in the company: teleworking, occupational health“, enumerated the boss of Medef. Three employers’ organizations (Medef, CPME, U2P) and four trade union organizations (CFDT, FO, CFE-CGC, CFTC) have signed a national interprofessional agreement (ANI) on joint action in recent weeks, they also indicated in a joint press release on Tuesday.

«Through this agreement, the signatory organizations collectively reaffirm their desire for a strong, regulatory social democracy, carrying social rights and proposals, in its rightful place.“, they underline. Several unions and employers’ organizations had expressed their concerns in recent days about a possible political deadlock in the Assembly. Tuesday morning, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux called on parliamentarians to avoid building consensus on “new expenses». «Today, I see a lot of promises on purchasing power and I’m not sure that all of this will be tenable in the long term.“, he worried, while the government must soon present a series of measures to support purchasing power in the Council of Ministers.

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