The British Guardian: Russia’s affect is rising within the African coast, and the West’s function is declining

by times news cr

2024-05-25 05:45:11

The British newspaper The Guardian revealed, in a current report, that Russian affect has elevated considerably within the African Sahel area, with the decline of the Western navy presence within the area.

The newspaper indicated the withdrawal of American forces from Niger after confirming the presence of Russian safety forces on the air base that was utilized by American forces.

The higher hand on the coast

The Guardian report dominated out the potential of Russia having the higher hand within the African Sahel area regardless of its enlargement, explaining that the state of affairs within the Sahel continues to be complicated, with many actors competing for affect in varied international locations.

Whereas the newspaper quoted Ekimesit Effiong, head of analysis on the consulting agency SBM Intelligence, as saying that “Russia has gained the higher hand within the geopolitical arms race within the Sahel area” and that “West Africa is now divided into two elements: pro-Western coastal states on a big scale.” broad; And a extra favorable view in the direction of Russia within the landlocked international locations within the Sahel area.”

“Africa Corps” is Moscow’s new device

The Guardian defined that Russia runs its operations in Africa via an entity known as the “Africa Corps” that’s immediately affiliated with the Russian Ministry of Protection, noting that the Wagner Group, which was thought of Moscow’s semi-official arm in Africa, was merged into this entity after the loss of life of its chief, Yevgeny Prigozhin, in August. the previous.

Strategic goals

The newspaper confirmed that Russia is making an attempt to attain a number of objectives via its presence in Africa, together with entry to pure sources, increasing export markets, and competing with the West geopolitically.

The Guardian report additionally warned that Russian enlargement in Africa raises fears of repeating “neo-colonialism” situations and draining the continent’s wealth for Moscow’s profit.

The newspaper quoted Russian affairs skilled Oleksandr Danylyuk as saying, “Russia has by no means been interested by any form of autonomy for shopper states. That is truly only a Russian colonial technique, and it could be very troublesome to search out anybody who will free you from that.”

Supply: The Guardian newspaper

2024-05-25 05:45:11

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