The bulls are strong, let’s get out, let’s stop being Armenians, so they don’t get killed. The director of public radio responded to the prime minister’s interview – 2024-03-02 06:49:50

by times news cr

2024-03-02 06:49:50

The Executive Director of the Public Radio of Armenia, Garegin Khumaryan, referred to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s interview on the “Safe Environment” program. He apologized to the listeners.

“What happened in this public radio booth on January 31 was not good journalism. I am the guilty one. My dear colleague, Baregham Ghukasyan, is an exceptional specialist, but he is a news presenter with a narrow focus. And when I offered him to try the role of an interviewer months ago, he resisted as much as he had strength. And I, on the contrary, was sure that it would be opened and I insisted that he host the “Safe Environment” program himself.

We talked for a long time with Baregham about issue #22 with the participation of the Prime Minister and we came to the conclusion that in the near future he will focus on his work in the news, he will do what he does really well, and we will return to the genre of interviews when we feel he is ready.

I barely convinced him to take back his resignation.

The program “Safe environment” will be conducted by another person from now on. I still don’t know who.

I apologize to the listeners of Public Radio whose expectations we did not meet. Our interview with the Prime Minister could have been much better.

Now about what actually happened.

The speech that took place in this booth on January 31 and raised questions among many of our radio listeners was not political. It was about the “deep council”, about the ontological meanings of our country and our identity.

It was published in the media that I manage, and as the owner of the house, I have to say a few words.

Last week in this booth we were asked to stop being what we are. We were told that Turks are strong, Armenians are weak. Turks massacre Armenians. This syllogism should have ended with the deductive conclusion “let’s get stronger”, but instead “let’s stop being Armenian” sounded.

From the point of view of logical reasoning, both conclusions are invulnerable and equally correct. But this is not a database problem.

Turks massacre Armenians. Let’s stop being Armenians, so that they don’t kill us.

At least we have been asked to think about it, because the Declaration, the anthem, the coat of arms and the rest of the things questioned during the program are the basis of our political identity.

With the same success, for example, in conditions of famine, people can be suggested to stop being human. At least think about the expediency of cannibalism in times of famine.

I would just be happy if I knew that this is also a game to win maneuver time and get stronger. But how do we use the time we have already won? How have we used inhumane efforts, national humiliation,

In 2021 in Ishkhanasar,

in 2022 in Kapan, Jermuk and Vardenis,

in 2023 in Artsakh

these three priceless years, obtained at the price of the blood of more than 400 dead boys and girls and hundreds of thousands of Artsakh residents, who were starving and then helpless.

It’s very easy, you know, to do nothing and then say that the bulls are strong. Let’s get out. Maybe that way they won’t bribe us.

The supply of Indian and French weapons, the increase in the salaries of the military, the attestation, the “Defender of the Homeland”, the training camps as such, in themselves, outside of the context and dates, are absolutely excellent and unconditionally dazzling.

And in the context and terms?

To what extent does all of this solve the problem of a two-front invasion tomorrow or maybe in half an hour?

We have all seen how in 92-94 it was possible to get an army from nothing in two years in parallel with the war.

Why was this not possible now, in the last three years? Especially since as of November 10, 2020, we were well beaten, but it was not like we were absolutely 0, like in 91-92.

Abstract from the geopolitical context. It is only about the pace of army building and, in a broader sense, the pace of state building and, most importantly, philosophy.

The declaration, the 3rd republic, the anthem, historical justice, the coat of arms and other things questioned during our program are not to blame, that we cannot be an ordinary country, and our government is the government of an ordinary country, and maybe even successful from Eastern or Central European countries. in anyone whose right to exist has never been disputed by anyone and is not disputed now.

Our case is different, and our coat of arms, anthem, declaration… our identity bears that otherness and formulates our only state goal of never being genocided again. The rest is derivative, and it is not necessary to change the causes and consequences.

Armenia cannot be an ordinary country, in order to be a hero, it is enough to be a conscientious taxpayer.

Daniel Lemkin, the author of the term “genocide”, defines his proposed term as follows: “Genocide is a coordinated program of various actions aimed at the destruction of the foundations vital to the existence of national groups and the destruction of those groups as such.”

Aren’t the recommendations of the Declaration, Coat of Arms, Anthem and the sense of historical justice vitally important for the existence of the national group bearing the Armenian name?

But with those grounds or without them, they will come after us anyway. How the Nazis even came after converted Jews. So, it would not be superfluous to at least learn to produce gunpowder in the last three years.

Once again, I apologize for the program, which undoubtedly should have been of better quality. We will try to become better.

Garegin Khumaryan
Executive Director
Public Radio of Armenia”.

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