the CFDT discovers “with amazement” the government’s draft decree

by time news

The executive plans to reduce the duration of compensation for job seekers by 40% instead of 25% when the unemployment rate is below 6% at the national level.

It didn’t take long to see the first reactions to the draft decree on unemployment insurance. This Friday, the Ministry of Labor discussed with the social partners the possibility of reducing the duration of compensation by 40%, if unemployment drops to 6% (against 7.3% currently).

It is “with amazement“that the CFDT discovered”this new arrangement“. The first trade union in Franceregrets and denounces a new arbitration once again in favor of the most fragile“. In its press release published this Saturday, the CFDT indicates that it “will fight for the most precarious, the long-term unemployed and especially seniors” so that they “do not suffer this new injustice».

Initially, the text provided for a 25% reduction in the duration of compensation for all jobseekers opening rights to unemployment insurance, from 1is February 2023. During the presentation of the reform last November, the Minister of Labour, Olivier Dussopt, had mentioned the possibility of a hardening but only in the event of unemployment below 5%, equivalent to “full employment».

«The objective of full employment will go through intelligent solutions on the quality of employment and support for the people concerned, local solutions also to respond to the multiple explanatory factors of unemployment“, bid the CFDT in its press release.

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