The Clans: Organizational Strongholds of Crime Threaten Sweden’s System, Warns New Book

by time news

Headline: Dangerous Crime-Linked Clans Threaten Sweden’s Security, According to New Book

The menace of violent gangs and organized crime is plaguing Sweden, and now a new book has shed light on the alarming strength and structure of the clans behind these criminal activities. Authors Johannes Wahlström and Jan Persson have published a book called “Clans,” which reveals the deeply rooted connections and system of collaboration among these criminal organizations. According to the authors, the situation could worsen as these clans strengthen their hold on various regions in Sweden.

Organized Criminal Activities:
The clans involved in criminal activities in Sweden are reportedly from the Balkans, the Middle East, and Africa. Through their thorough research, Wahlström and Persson have uncovered a complex network of collaboration among these clans, comparing their operations to large family businesses. While only a fraction of the clan members engage directly in criminal activities, the illegal proceeds are often laundered through their legal operations, such as restaurants or casinos.

Infiltration into Society:
Disturbingly, the authors’ mapping of these clans reveals that they have representatives in various positions throughout Swedish society, including banks, politics, and municipal offices. Wahlström points out that clan members in banks are known to arrange loans and approve suspicious money transactions, aiding in the quick transfer of illegally acquired funds. These infiltration tactics allow them to expand their criminal empire and maintain an extensive financial structure.

Enormous Financial Impact:
The scale of criminal activities perpetrated by these clans is alarming. Wahlström estimates that about 40 clans, comprising hundreds of people, are operating in several Swedish cities and turning over hundreds of billions of kroner each year. A report from the EU Commission indicates that Swedish crime accounts for approximately half of the country’s annual state budget. Due to the massive financial implications, these criminal organizations require a sophisticated and well-organized structure comparable to multinational corporations.

Criminal Versatility and Influence:
Although drug sales are a significant revenue stream for these gangs, they profit from various other criminal activities, including prostitution, extortion, and fraud. Wahlström clarifies that while criminal activities contribute to their overall financial turnover, a substantial portion of their profits comes from legitimate ventures. These non-criminal activities, such as business deals, real estate transactions, and imports/exports, help launder the criminal income and sustain their operations.

Lack of Police Control:
Wahlström and Persson argue that the police may not have fully comprehended the scale and complexity of these criminal structures. The nature of their work focuses on individual crimes rather than mapping out the entire network. This oversight has allowed the clans to thrive and expand their criminal empires within Sweden.

Potential for a “State within a State”:
The authors warn that these powerful clans could become system-bearing entities in Sweden, with control over entire regions. Wahlström envisions a future where families own entire cities, like Örebro and Hallsberg, potentially becoming a topic that people are afraid to discuss openly.

The release of “Clans” has exposed the organizational strength and widespread influence of criminal gangs in Sweden. It highlights the urgent need for law enforcement agencies to address this escalating issue and develop strategies to dismantle these dangerous networks. Failure to do so could result in further erosion of Sweden’s security and allow these criminal clans to establish an alarming state within the state.

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