the CNRD challenges Alpha Condé

by time news

2023-04-15 19:12:19

On April 15, at the Ahmed Sékou Touré international airport in Conakry, a national tribute was paid to the former first lady of the Republic, Djènè Kaba Condé who died on April 8 in Paris at the age of 63. Just after the body was lifted from the morgue of the Sino-Guinean Friendship Hospital. Djénè Kaba leaves behind a great legacy including: a boy, two girls and her Prosmi Foundation (Social, maternal and child protection).

Despite the warnings of former President Alpha Condé, the CNRD did indeed manage the funeral of Djènè Kaba. He thus challenges Alpha Condé. Friday, April 14, the body of Djénè Kaba was welcomed by the president of the Transitionn Mamadi Doumbouya, in person. Before benefiting from his tributes this Saturday, April 15 at AST airport. The Rainbow RPG and the family of Alpha Condé were conspicuous by their absence at this funeral ceremony. No question of participating in this tribute.

Escorted by the marching band, the national gendarmerie, the army and customs, the hearse arrived at 11:30 a.m. In great emotion, the ceremony began with prayers for the rest of the soul of the deceased. Hadja Djénè Kaba was then decorated posthumously, she was raised to the rank of “Grand Commander of the National Order of Merit, in recognition of eminent services rendered to the nation”. It is through this act that Guinea hailed for the last time this “heroine” who has contributed so much to the advancement of women and children.

Beautiful people at the rendezvous: the bereaved family, the President of the transition, the Prime Minister, ministers, senior army officers, the governor of Conakry, members of the diplomatic and consular corps, friends, the grand imam of the Fayçal mosque, the Archbishop of Conakry, collaborators, etc. All came to pay a vibrant tribute to the former first lady of the Republic of Guinea.

“A humanitarian woman”

On behalf of the President of the transition, the CNRD and his government, Prime Minister Bernard Goumou offered his condolences to the bereaved family. “This distinction is eloquent proof of the recognition that the Head of State and the entire Guinean nation have for the illustrious deceased”. The PM says the former First Lady of the Republic will live on in our hearts and minds. He retains from her “a personality with an immense contribution for the cohesion of Guineans, the promotion of women and the protection of children”.

The Head of Government underlines the humanitarian actions of Hadja Djènè Kaba, particularly in the field of Health with health care, the distribution of hygiene kits to women, the construction of Health Centers, the schooling of the young girl , and the struggle for the empowerment of women. These are precious legacies for the medico-social system, and maternal and child health. “We will remember a great figure, a voice carrying soothing and conciliatory words. She knew how to reach the hearts of Guineans in periods of social and political convulsions to favor our ancestral values ​​which are: listening, dialogue, harmony and the country’s prime interest for the well-being of all. For the CNRD, the deceased will forever remain a model of commitment, humility and attention to society and vulnerable groups.

The PROSMI Foundation mourns a humanitarian woman and an immeasurable loss, creating a great void that she will never be able to fill. “You left prematurely, but with dignity, after having humanely, humbly and loyally accomplished the mission that the Almighty Allah had entrusted to you on this earth, for the benefit of the people of Guinea and the vulnerable strata, including women and children. “. A humanitarian mission of “benevolence which she accomplished with self-sacrifice and out of love”, affirms the vice-president of the PROSMI Foundation.

The grateful family

The deceased’s older brother, Colonel Mamadi Kaba, spoke on behalf of the family. He specified that the organization of Hadja Djéné Kaba’s funeral “should not be a political or discordant subject”. He indicates that it is a tribute that we must all pay him. “We are saddened, but we must wipe away our tears with these testimonies of friendship and brotherhood that Guinea has shown since the call to God of Condé Djènè Kaba. Always listening to us, she was our pride, our ambassador who always surpassed herself for the collective interest.

Colonel Kaba points out that losing a being of such quality “is a severe ordeal that only prayers can help to overcome. To her husband, Professor Alpha Condé and her children, we ask to pray for the repose of the soul of Djènè Kaba”. To the President of the Transition, he reaffirms the family’s gratitude for “everything you have done in favor of the former first lady even before September 5, 2021. We thank you for bringing our sister back. Guineans know who she was and what she was able to do.

After this ultimate national tribute, the remains of Djènè Kaba, the remains were taken aboard a helicopter to Kankan, her hometown, where she was buried on Sunday, April 16.

Abdoulaye Pellel Bah

#CNRD #challenges #Alpha #Condé

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