The Commission of the Council of Judges called “flash justice” inadmissible – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

by time news

The Ethics Commission of the Council of Judges of Russia declared the inadmissibility of the so-called “flash justice”, when whole fragments from the investigation materials are transferred to judicial acts. The problem is indicated in an information letter published on the official website of the Council of Judges of Russia.

“A common reason for the appearance in the text of a judicial act of words and speech turns that are inadmissible when using Russian as the state language of the Russian Federation is the abuse of the compilation opportunity provided by modern technical means and thoughtless transfer of significant fragments (sometimes completely) of the texts of indictments into the texts of court decisions, statements of claim, objections of the parties, etc., – the letter says. – This practice has already led to the appearance in the media and legal literature of such a negative concept of the courts as “flash justice”.

Practicing lawyers told “RG” that it has become a practice for a long time, when investigators give the judge a flash drive with materials. This is normal in itself. It is unacceptable for a judge to mindlessly copy whole chunks of text. Each verdict must be written in your own words, and every word must be thought out by the judge. By the way, today electronic document management systems are actively developing, so that the judge often works with electronic documents. Materials are received through special channels, and even flash drives are no longer so needed. However, this does not relieve the judge from the obligation to write each decision from scratch.

The letter notes that the practice of “flash justice” discredits the authority of the judicial system in Russia. As draws the attention of TASS, according to the position of the Council of Judges, the establishment of the authority of the judiciary is one of the main tasks of the bodies of the judicial community. “Therefore, the Ethics Commission of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation invites the regional councils of judges and the ethics commissions within them to pay attention to the problems outlined in this letter and use all the opportunities at their disposal to overcome them,” the letter says.


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