“The Constitution is not the problem”: Álvaro Uribe – 2024-04-03 18:35:21

by times news cr

2024-04-03 18:35:21

Former President Álvaro reiterated his position on the constituent assembly, in response to recent comments by President Gustavo Petro.

Regarding a possible national constituent assembly, former President Uribe spoke about the topic again in a video he published on his social networks. Uribe emphasized that, in his opinion, “the Constitution is not the Colombian problem.”

With a critical vision, Uribe pointed out that the current Constitution, like its predecessor of 1886, are not the root of the challenges facing Colombia. Instead of blaming the constitutional framework, The former president pointed to the lack of vision and vanity of those who have led the countrywhich has prevented the implementation of effective long-term policies.

In his analysis, Uribe addressed several problematic areas in Colombian society, from security to investment and private entrepreneurship. He harshly criticized the policy of impunity towards terrorism, which, according to him, has generated an increase in crime. He also mentioned a lack of confidence in private investment, excessive bureaucracy and corruption, factors that contribute to a poorer and more discouraged society.

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“The lack of investment confidence, excess bureaucracy, the giant state, corruption and hatred of private participation, such as in health and pensions, are creating a poorer and more depressed society. A wasteful State with lack of education and insufficient support for youth entrepreneurship,” said Uribe.

The former president highlighted the importance of will and operability to address social problems, pointing out that The solution does not always lie in the creation of new laws, but in the effective application of the existing ones. In addition, he emphasized the need for state leadership to promote sectors such as alternative energy and rural development.

Finally, Uribe warned about the dangers of abuse of the Constitution, citing the example of Venezuela as a warning about the risks of falling into a neo-communist system that impoverishes the population and limits its future.

“Venezuela showed that the Constitutional apology creates a neo-communist empire and a poor population without a future,” Uribe concluded.

You can read: Petro spoke of breaking diplomatic relations with Israel if they do not comply with a ceasefire in Gaza

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