The construction of a new factory will soon lead to desertification. The demand of the residents of Ararat region not to harm their health and to organize public hearings in accordance with the law. Video

by time news

2023-11-04 13:11:30

Some time ago, it became known that a company called “Ord Group” is going to build a cement factory in the affected community with the exploitation of a new mine.

One concern for concerned residents was their health, as the operation of two factories in the same area is fraught with danger.

“Araratcement” is the bread of our people, if there is no such factory, how will we survive, how will the people take care of their children? they will cut our child’s bread”, – these were the comments that the residents of Ararat and Vedu gathered in front of the Vedu community hall to understand why the public hearings organized for the opening of a new factory are being held in secret and without reason.

Next, the reduction of jobs with the construction of a new factory and the danger of desertification of the Ararat region.

“If the factory and mines are operated, then all this will contribute to the destruction of the city of Ararat, in the true sense of the word, consumption will be shared, and in that case we will not be able to keep the factory,” said one of the factory’s employees.

Residents stated that their main goal is to fight so that their children don’t “break bread”, and to inform them what is being discussed behind the closed doors guarded by policemen and patrols, why were the first and second meetings organized on a lie and the third one continues without giving valid answers to their questions.

“If the second factory is opened, I am sure that we will have both the problem of watering the land and drinking water. this is already the question of the entire population,” the resident remarked.

Let’s add that the policemen standing in front of the Vedu community hall also hindered the work of journalists, initially preventing them from entering the meeting hall.

Initially, the scheduled meeting took place in a tense atmosphere and, as such, did not take place, because the procedure was not followed and the technical part was not provided.

During the session, Dr. Melkon Taloyan spoke about the most important thing: protecting the residents’ health.

“You spoke beautifully about everything except health care. In this region, there have always been many cases of diseases, especially in patients with tumors, allergic diseases of unknown origin. Air pollution is also the highest in Armenia, and in addition, no one talks about the air of the Ararat region, which is the dirtiest.”

After the failed session, lawyer Armen Ohanyan mentioned in a conversation with journalists that they are going to submit a report about the crime.

“According to the conclusion of this company, that area is deserted and there is no fauna and flora, but we have evidence that there are unique species of animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction. We have decided to report the crime to the police, because writing a false report is a criminal act.”

In a conversation with, Zoya Balayan, a resident of Vedu, laboratory manager of “Araratcement” factory, stated that she sees a special intention in all this.

“There are great dangers associated with the operation of the mine, because, in addition to limestone, they will also use clay, and at that time they will have to make three explosions, which poses a great threat to the health of the population. Only lime is blasted in “Araratcement”. If that explosion happens all at once, the whole thing will fall on the people, because there is no forest layer. No one cares about the health of the people. There is some intention here that they want to build the factory at any cost.”

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#construction #factory #lead #desertification #demand #residents #Ararat #region #harm #health #organize #public #hearings #accordance #law #Video

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