The coordinator of the protest in Iran for “Maariv”: “The revolution is near”

by time news

Yesterday, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards again fired missiles and drones at the bases of Kurdish terrorist organizations in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq. The Kurdistan 24 television channel claims that at least nine “suicide drones” were launched, and that there were casualties. In recent days, officials in Iran accused Kurds of fueling the protests following the death of the young woman Mehsa Amini, who did not wear the hijab as required. The Iranian police threatened to “use all the power at its disposal” to suppress the protests.

The riots in Iran expanded yesterday, aside from a quiet protest like that of the Iranian soccer team, whose members wore black jackets during the playing of the national anthem to hide the colors of the country’s flag. Sardar Azmon, striker of the Iran national team and Valberkusen, tweeted from the training camp in Austria: “The rules of the national team forbid me to express my opinion until the end of the camp, but I cannot remain silent any longer. Shame on you! People who murder others for such petty reasons. The most severe punishment will be expulsion from the squad, but It’s a small price to pay if I save even one hair from a woman’s head.” The tweet was removed from Twitter, but went viral. At the same time, the solidarity demonstrations continued in the US and Europe.

The activist and adviser on Iran and national minorities affairs Ilham Yacoubian, who is of Jewish origin, currently resides in the US and coordinates the international action to support the women’s uprising in Iran, told “Maariv” yesterday: “This time it is stronger than the previous times. Each time it becomes stronger and more radical. If it doesn’t happen now, it will happen very soon. This is the war of the Iranian people.

“In the last ten days, contact with the protest in Iran has become difficult due to the disconnection of the internet and social networks. They need us to make their voices heard. The women participated in all the protest movements in Iran, but this time they initiated the uprising and are proving their strength. That is why the regime is afraid and fighting them. This time the fathers and brothers Join them, and many celebrities in the world also support the movement.”

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According to her, “The Jews in Iran are hostages. The government is using them to exert pressure. For her, every opponent is a ‘Zionist’ or sent by Israel. This is also what my friends who were arrested, who are not Jews, accused.”

The nuclear agreement is part of its and its partners’ lobbying activities. “We are trying with all our might to convince the American administration not to sign a deal with Iran,” she said. “This is not the time for that. This is a terrorist regime that uses its own people, so it is forbidden to sit at the same table with it. Iran is dangerous to the entire world, because it wants to spread Islam and position itself at the head of the Muslim world.”

The 66th annual general conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will end tomorrow in Vienna. The head of the Israeli delegation to the conference is the head of the Atomic Energy Commission (IAEA) Moshe Adri.

In his speech, Edri referred to Iran’s non-compliance with its obligations and the lack of ongoing cooperation with the IAEA on the issue of open files. He noted Israel’s good cooperation with the IAEA in aspects of safety, security and nuclear applications, and called on the countries of the Middle East, and in particular to sign the “agreements Avraham”, to tighten cooperation in the face of safety and security challenges in the nuclear world.

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