the creation of a national register under study in the Senate

by time news

2023-06-15 05:48:05

How many cases of cancer are counted each year in France? To this question, specialists can only answer with an estimate – 382,000 new cases were recorded in 2018, according to the latest known statistics – a figure established by extrapolation. There is in fact no national cancer register, but a series of 27 registers, which concern specific geographical areas, such as overseas departments and regions, or specific pathologies such as pediatric cancers. These data currently cover 22% of the French population.

A bill must be examined in the Senate, Thursday, June 15, on this subject. It aims to create a national cancer registry. “It is really essential to have exhaustive data, and this in all areas of the fight against cancer, whether we are talking about prevention, identification of new risk factors or screening”pleads Sonia de La Provôté, senator from Calvados (Centrist Union) and doctor by training, who is at the origin of this text. “With 22% of the population followed, we are obviously approaching the truth for the big figures, for example for the incidence rate. But for finer monitoring, we do not have the necessary tool. »

“It is absolutely essential to have a precise inventory”

The approach is supported by the National League against Cancer. “It is absolutely essential to have a precise inventory, to know what the pathologies are, what the populations affected by these pathologies are, in order to try to understand, territory by territory, population by population, what the situation is, insists oncologist Daniel Nizri, president of the association. How can we imagine being able to think about targeted strategies if we don’t have a map? And it’s not just for cancer. »

This type of tool exists abroad and a European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR) has been set up. “We are all the more convinced of the need to adopt the bill as France is one of the worst students in Europe, resumes the association leader. I am not linking cause and effect, but, as if by chance, in countries where there are national registers, screening operations are visibly more convincing and there is an improvement in people’s adherence to these actions. »

If this register were to be created, it would be placed under the aegis of the National Cancer Institute (INCa). But the officials of the public body remain measured as to the interest of this creation. “This would bring a little more precision, without necessarily fundamentally changing the analyzes that we are already in a position to make from existing registers, which are extremely valuable points of support for defining public health policies, says Thierry Breton, Director General of INCa. It is not a negative measure. But, from our point of view, its benefit-cost ratio is not sufficiently attractive, given the other needs that may exist in cancerology. »

Because this new tool has a cost, estimated by the Inca at 21 million euros per year, in particular to finance the positions of the research associates who collect the information. Two additional local registers must also be launched in urban areas affected by environmental risks. Nearly 30% of the French population will then be covered.


Infant mortality in the 20th century

Since the beginning of the 20th century, in metropolitan France, the evolution of the infant mortality rate has always been on a downward trend, excluding specific crises (Spanish flu, world wars, etc.).

Between 1901 and 1910, the death rate averaged 141 deaths per 1,000 births. From the 1950s, it decreased continuously: 52‰ in 1950, 18‰ in 1970, 7‰ in 1990 and 3.5‰ in 2005.

This considerable reduction in risk between 1901 and 2005 is the result of many advances such as the Pasteurian revolution, the implementation of the first early childhood protection policies and the generalization of antibiotics.

Source : Insee

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