The crude series on Netflix of only six episodes that will make you reflect on your abilities

by time news

2023-08-24 03:10:32

With a spatula

August 23 2023, 9:10 pm

Netflix constantly adds to its catalog captivating productions that are suitable for all tastes. In this case, he premiered a crude dramatic series that managed to become the most watched of the moment: his name is “The Chosen One” and he is positioned alongside the hits “Good luck, Big Leo”, “10 days of a bad man” and “The Monkey King”.


Based on the graphic novel by Mark Millar and Peter Gross, this production has only 6 episodes of approximately 44 minutes each. It was classified as “provocative” due to its particular story about a young man who breaks into a town to change the context completely.

It is of Mexican origin and the protagonists are Bobby Luhnow, Dianna Agron and Lilith Curiel. Due to certain strong scenes, it is recommended that those over 16 years of age see it: it contains inappropriate language and even suicide. Despite the fantasy that she carries in her plot, her religious touch caught her attention and generated a lot of viewers.

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