The curious dialogue between Mendilibar and Xavi on the bench: “If I speak what you speak…”

by time news

2023-10-02 20:42:29

Monday, October 2, 2023, 8:42 p.m.


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Television cameras in football do not only record purely sporting events. They pay attention to the public, as in the Athletic fan at the Reale Arena. And also in the coaches. Thus, in ‘The Day After’ they captured the conversation between Mendilibar and Xavi during the Barcelona-Seville match.

“Fuck what you bark,” Mendilibar told Xavi. The Barcelona coach denied this statement and the Biscayan coach insisted. “If I speak what you speak, they fired me half an hour ago,” the Sevilla coach told him.

And Xavi continued to deny that statement. “No man no. “What are you saying, man?” the Barcelona coach replied. But Mendilibar stood firm. “I’m telling you, I’m telling you yes,” he told her and, after this sentence, they both separated.

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#curious #dialogue #Mendilibar #Xavi #bench #speak #speak..

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