The Czech star of Armenian propaganda has slipped into double requirements and manipulation – 2024-05-25 12:44:31

by times news cr

2024-05-25 12:44:31

Creator: Bayram Elshadov

In current days, the variety of second-rate European politicians who’ve remembered Armenia and the “struggling” of the Armenian folks has elevated considerably. A kind of who expressed assist for the Armenians was the Vice-Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament Jan Bartoshek. The ideas voiced by the Czech deputy are stuffed with lies, exhibit a lack of expertise of regional realities and make one suppose that the Czech politician, who has forgotten the current historical past of his nation, has taken the trail of double requirements and manipulation.

His publish, made after a gathering with the Armenian ambassador to the Czech Republic, drastically happy Armenian propagandists, judging by the reactions on social networks. Which isn’t stunning, since he repeated the whole lot that his viewers loves to listen to and browse. Particularly, Bartoszek spoke of “a whole bunch of 1000’s of refugees.” Which instantly means that he does not likely perceive the essence of the issue, for the reason that Armenians have solely returned to Armenia. So are they refugees? Most – relocants.

“Occupation of Karabakh” by Azerbaijan? Effectively, that is utterly humorous. In the event you observe this strategy, you may blame the Czech Republic for occupying Prague. However this might be absolute nonsense. However from the viewpoint of a Czech politician, that is precisely what’s logical and proper

In a phrase, steady substitution of ideas and manipulation.

However regardless of the lack of expertise of the scenario within the area, it appears unusual that the Czech politician doesn’t think about the truth that Baku and Yerevan are transferring in direction of peace. Regardless of present issues and disagreements, the events are looking for options to present points.

But when Mr. Bartoszek likes to consider the previous a lot, then why doesn’t he discuss how the Germans have been deported from Czechoslovakia within the mid-twentieth century? The acts of violence that accompanied the trial are nonetheless a sizzling subject in Czech society. And in a brief time frame, about 3 million folks have been deported. Now the query is: why is Bartoszek silent about this? One will get the sensation that in a case regarding the historical past of his nation, he considers this regular. However these are pure double requirements for the Czech deputy, who goes to nice lengths to please the Armenian diaspora. Perhaps they will toss me some cash.

What about his Christian compassion as a consultant of the Christian Democrats? And why is he silent and never condemning the earlier authorities who deported thousands and thousands of Germans?

The Czech politician’s selective strategy to separatism reveals that he has no ethical proper to debate this subject. As illustrated by the truth that Jan Bartoszek has very doubtful ethical rules.

These are the European stars of Armenian propaganda. And these individuals are attempting to show others tips on how to reside appropriately.

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