The Dangers of Health Hype: Misinformation and Exploitation by Influencers and Supplement Companies

by time news

2023-07-07 13:47:09

Health Hype: The Dangerous Side of False Supplement Claims

Expert Warns Against Misinformation and Exploitation in the Health Industry

In the age of social media, taking care of one’s health has become a popular trend, with influencers dictating what people should eat, drink, and even supplement with. However, experts are now speaking out against the dangers of health hype and the misinformation being spread.

Arwa, a nutrition expert, highlights the alarming trend of influencers making false claims about the benefits of supplements. “The dangerous thing about this is that influencers will also start claiming things about the supplements themselves. That they get better hair or look younger. Then their following thinks they should use that too because we all get older after all. But the things that she and Vitakruid claim are not correct,” she warns.

The impact of such claims is not limited to those with eating disorders. People from all walks of life are falling victim to this disinformation, believing that these supplements will bring miraculous changes to their health and appearance.

Arwa strongly advises against relying on online questionnaires to determine one’s vitamin deficiencies. “If you want to know which vitamins you are deficient in, go to a doctor for a blood test. Your values will be checked, and the doctor can then give you good advice to possibly take something and also recommend the correct dose. If you start taking supplements unthinkingly, you can quickly get too much, and in some cases, this can be harmful to your body.”

Arwa’s concerns are further substantiated by her personal experience with a vitamin test. “Even if you fill in everything correctly, so that you eat a varied diet, eat a lot of vegetables, and exercise well. If you then travel by public transport, it is still recommended to take vitamin C because you would then come into contact with more people. Which, by the way, is not based on anything,” she reveals.

Another health expert, a dietitian who wishes to remain anonymous, strongly criticizes the tactics employed by certain companies, such as Vitakruid. “Among many people, Vitakruid is a well-known company, and they have put a lot of money into their marketing by collaborating with influencers. They are exploiting their followers for the money. It makes me angry because they are now making money from supplements at the expense of other people’s health,” says the dietitian.

With the ever-increasing influence of social media figures and the rise of the health and wellness industry, it is crucial for consumers to remain wary and consult professionals, such as doctors and dietitians, for accurate advice tailored to their specific needs. The health of an individual should never be compromised for the sake of profit or popularity.

#Eating #disorder #dietitian #Arwa #warns #disinformation #supplement #company #Vitakruid

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