The Dangers of Too Much Sugar: Symptoms, Risks, and Solutions

by time news

2024-04-17 10:50:55

#5 You have more cravings

Other symptoms of too much sugar? You feel more and more hungry. Unfortunately, when it comes to chocolate, cakes, etc., we are not full after that, but our demands for sugar do not increase. This is also due to the rapid drop in blood sugar levels as a result of eating too much sugar.

#6 You will gain weight

Most foods that are high in sugar are also high in calories. As a result, it can quickly happen that we eat more calories per day than our body uses. The result: we gain weight. Of course, this does not happen all at once, but if it happens more often or even daily over a longer period of time, you will not be able to prevent weight gain.

#7 You get dental problems

We are taught as children that too much sugar is unhealthy. For good reason, because too much sugar isn’t healthy for your teeth either. This is converted to acid on the teeth, which attacks the tooth enamel and promotes tooth decay. Dental problems are also signs of too much sugar.

#8 You have mood swings

Those who eat too much sugar are more likely to experience bad moods and mood swings. At first you get an energy boost from consuming the sugar, but then this quickly wears off again. Industrial sugar in particular can have long-term negative effects on the psyche.

What happens if there is too much sugar in your body?

We have now clarified what the possible signs of too much sugar in the body are. In addition, some diseases can also be promoted if sugar is consumed in excess, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, depression, sleep disorders or poor concentration.

Do you get diabetes if you eat too many sweets?

Eating too much sugar is not a direct cause of diabetes. This is due to genetic factors and personal living conditions. What can happen, though: Consuming too much sugar promotes obesity, which is considered a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes.

What happens if you eat too much sugar every day?

As in other areas, when it comes to eating sugar, it always depends on the amount. If you eat a little more than usual in one day, your body may send you signals, but it won’t have any major effects. However, if you eat too much sugar every day over a long period of time, it can promote illness and lead to weight gain.

Eat too much sugar: what to do?

The first signs of too much sugar become noticeable and you now know that the last piece of cake was definitely too much? Try to drink a lot now and eat light, balanced food for the rest of the day – lots of vitamins and nutrients as well as proteins. Get some fresh air and exercise to get back on your feet – and tomorrow will look like a completely different day again.

How much sugar is okay per day?

The WHO recommends that the average adult does not eat more than 50 grams of sugar per day with a calorie intake of 2,000 calories. Pay attention to a balanced diet and try to replace sugar in everyday life with alternatives, such as sugar-free flavored yogurt powder, sugar-free syrup in drinks or erythritol in baking.

#Signs #sugar #alarming #signs

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