The decentralization coverage in Senegal introduced on the Senegalese-Moroccan convention in Dakar

by times news cr

2024-05-24 00:13:33

Throughout a plenary session organized on this event, the Senegalese knowledgeable, Birame Owens Ndiaye Specialist in Governance, Decentralization and Financing of native authorities, underlined that the brand new decentralization coverage in Senegal, generally referred to as Act III of decentralization, is a part of the Operationalization Agenda of the Senegal Emergence Plan “PSE” which serves as a reference framework.

Certainly, he explains, Act III of decentralization, “which is a way of territorializing the three pillars of the PSE, contributes to the achievement of goals linked to the structural transformation of the financial system and development by means of native initiatives in all sectors of the financial system, to the event of human capital by empowering actors within the agropastoral, fish farming, forestry, commerce, and forestry sectors.

productive crafts, artwork and repair”, noting that Act III of decentralization relies on a brand new conception of the interventions of native authorities, extra bold, targeted on the promotion and revival of the native economies of the totally different territories of the Senegal.

His problem is to create the situations for every territory to contribute to reaching the goals of the PSE, by means of structuring tasks, creating wealth and jobs, he notes. “Additionally it is a query of territories finishing up concrete actions for accessibility to public providers by means of participatory and efficient governance of native public affairs mobilizing all stakeholders round territorial growth goals,” added Mr. Ndiaye , recalling that the content material of the reform of the decentralization coverage was revealed by the Head of State Macky Sall on March 19, 2013, in the course of the official launch of the method of formulating Act 3 of decentralization.

On the event, Macky Sall outlined the overall goal pursued with this reform which is to prepare Senegal into viable, aggressive and sustainable growth territories, recalled Mr. Ndiaye. He additionally assigned elementary rules, orientations and goals to it, he asserts.

In his presentation, the speaker gave an summary of the imaginative and prescient, rules, orientations and goals of Act 3 of decentralization which, he stated, goal to prepare territories which can be “viable, aggressive and conducive to sustainable growth” and the territorialization of public insurance policies, contractualization between the State and native authorities, shut cooperation between revered native elected officers with strengthened capacities and State representatives rehabilitated of their function as territorial interlocutors of the State, and participation and the inclusiveness of all stakeholders (State, civil society, non-public sector, and so on.).

The orientations are as follows: construct territorial dynamics, make the State extra oriented in the direction of social and territorial fairness, make sure the sustainable promotion of native sources, rehabilitate deconcentration, a necessary corollary of decentralization and rehabilitate land use planning. territory, detailed the Senegalese knowledgeable.

These orientations have as goals the anchoring of territorial coherence with a simplified administrative structure, the clarification of abilities between the State and native authorities, the event of contractualization between these two decision-making ranges, the modernization of territorial public administration, with a resolute reform of native funds and sustained promotion of the standard of human sources, he stated.

Referring to the brand new territorial structure ensuing from Act III of decentralization, the knowledgeable burdened that its implementation started in June 2014 following native and departmental elections and that decentralization dates again a very long time.

For the reason that creation of the primary communes in 1872, Senegal has launched into an irreversible means of strengthening its native democracy and its decentralization coverage since its independence, he identified, reviewing on this context the evolution of the decentralization course of following the constitutional reforms undertaken in Senegal in 1994, 2001 and 2016. This final reform reaffirmed the constitutionalization of the precept of free administration of native authorities outlined as a framework for participation of the populations within the administration of public affairs, continued the knowledgeable, emphasizing that the constitutional revision of 2016 established deconcentration as a constitutional precept and established the participation of native authorities within the territorialization of public insurance policies, the implementation of the overall coverage of the State in addition to the event and monitoring of particular growth packages for his or her territories.

The work of the Senegalese-Moroccan Decentralization Convention, held beneath the sponsorship of Head of State Macky Sall, continues till Wednesday.

2024-05-24 00:13:33

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