The details of the femicide that occurred in Valparaíso – 2024-04-24 23:49:40

by times news cr

2024-04-24 23:49:40

The incident was witnessed by the victim’s 14-year-old daughter, who asked family and neighbors for help.

A 35-year-old man with a police record was identified on author of a femicide and subsequent suicide in Valparaíso. An event that was witnessed by the daughter of the murdered woman.

According to what was reported by the Prosecutor’s Office, the incident occurred on Monday in a residence located in Cerro Alegre and the victim is a 30-year-old mother.

According to prosecutor Lorena Ulloa, the author of the crime “He stabbed the victim repeatedly. Most of the injuries were thoracic, causing death.“.

“Then, the subject takes his life“, the pursuer then added.

Ulloa also confirmed that the 14-year-old daughter of the femicide victim witnessed the homicide occurred in Valparaíso.

“Unfortunately, The main witness is a minor, who asked neighbors and relatives for help.calling the ambulance that arrives at the scene and confirms the death of this victim as a result of these numerous stab wounds,” the prosecutor explained.

Who is the author of the femicide in Valparaíso

On the other hand, the subprefect of the Homicide Brigade (BH) of the Investigative Police (PDI) of Valparaíso, Víctor Salazar, confirmed that The perpetrator of the femicide is a 35-year-old subject of Chilean nationality and who had a police record..

The police chief also revealed that “according to information that the detectives have obtained from the scene of the event, There was indeed domestic violence in the couple“, who had been in a relationship for approximately a year.

After the event, the Seremi of Women and Gender Equality of Valparaíso, Camila Lazo, reported that all protocols were activated “to provide support to this minor and to receive the necessary psychological care in a case of this type“.

This femicide corresponds at number 15 so far this year nationally, while it is second in 2024 in the Valparaíso Region.

Gender violence: if you are a victim or witness of economic, psychological, obstetric, physical or sexual violence, you can receive free and confidential guidance at number 1455 of the National Service for Women and Gender Equality (SernamEG). You can also call +569 9700 7000 or the Safe Report Phone: 600 400 0101. If you need psychological, social or legal support, these are the Women’s Centers throughout the country.

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